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Publications on EU funds

For materials focusing on the ongoing legislative process for the 2014-2020 EU Budget and Cohesion Policy click here

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Study | February 22, 2012

Last year, the Romanian government applied for allocation of approximately 75 million tonnes of emissions allowances free of charge in the period 2013-2019. In return, our government proposed a national investment plan that includes 22 (out of 24) fossil fuel installations and would result in 36 percent of the proposed new capacity coming from coal.

Briefing | February 15, 2012

The current EU commitment to a low carbon and resource efficient economy has significantly influenced the proposed Cohesion Policy objectives for the 2014-2020 period. Besides the mobilisation of financial resources for the achievement of the Europe 2020 strategy targets, it is important that a strong focus is kept on the results of EU support. Bankwatch has therefore taken a critical look at the proposed common indicators for the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund.

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Study | February 8, 2012

The next European budget (2014-2020) is being decided in troubled times but such difficult timing also constitutes an opportunity. If smartly used, the next budget can help Europe improve its economic stability and create more jobs while at the same time reducing its unsustainable ecological footprint. This study reveals that investing in green sectors brings about positive employment benefits.

Briefing | January 23, 2012

The 2014-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework (EU budget) will be a decisive tool for Europe to demonstrate that it can achieve economic and social prosperity by committing to a decarbonised, resource and energy-efficient and socially just economy. This briefing recommends to further strengthen the European Commission's budget proposal by shifting allocations and spending priorities to sectors of the green economy, eventually helping to create more jobs and future proof green markets.

Briefing | January 10, 2012

The Coalition for a sustainable EU Budget advocates that a number of amendments to the Commission legislative proposal concerning the next Cohesion Policy funds should be supported by the European Parliament and Council if the next EU regional funds are to play any significant role in the transition towards a low-carbon, sustainable European economy.

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Study | December 7, 2011

This toolkit (available in different languages) was prepared by Bankwatch partner and member groups to help civil society organisations from the Western Balkan region better understand the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) and to learn about EU experiences in programming of the EU funds.

Briefing | December 6, 2011

Cohesion Policy plays an important role in steering local economies towards sustainability. Green investments however still remain limited in the Commission’s proposal for a reformed Cohesion Policy - a missed opportunity as it stands now. This NGO briefing suggest solutions strengthen the proposal in order to achieve the fundamental energy and environment targets for 2020.

Policy comments | November 30, 2011

The primary goal of the EU’s neighbourhood policy should be based on an insistence on increased democracy in EU neighbourhood countries. This should happen through public participation in decision-making processes, the establishment of good governance and sustainable development practices, increased environmental protection and climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as increased welfare and social security across these countries.

Bankwatch Mail | November 29, 2011

Bankwatch Mail 50 contains a range of European development finance issues with a particular focus on EU Funds as we publish on the day of our Green investments to the rescue conference in Brussels.