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August 4, 2010

After more than three months delay, the Complaints Office of the European Investment Bank recently released its concluding investigations (pdf) into the banks involvement in the resettlement of 175 predominately Roma families from underneath the Gazela bridge in Belgrade.

Transport, Balkans
June 29, 2010

After six months of preparations and more than 50 interviews with decision makers and experts, Bankwatch has met with representatives from the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to discuss how the next EU budget for the 2014-2020 period can effectively support a low-carbon economy with benefits for people and nature.

Energy & climate, Transport, Resource efficiency
March 11, 2010

Although the world's largest steel company, ArcelorMittal continues to receive support by international public finance. Neither does its chequered social and environmental record seem to change the public bank's proclivity for this specific borrower.

Social & economic impacts, Other harmful projects
December 22, 2009

A ban on all cyanide-based mining technologies on Hungarian territory that was passed by 356 votes in favour to one vote against in Hungary's parliament earlier this month has strengthened hopes of other national bans - even a Europe-wide ban - ahead of the tenth anniversary of the Baia Mare disaster next month.

Other harmful projects, Mining, Balkans
December 2, 2009

Bankwatch's new report on the EIB's fossil-heavy energy lending between 2002 and 2008 comes one week before the crunch global climate talks in Copenhagen, in preparation for which the international financial institutions have been flexing their rhetorical muscles.

Energy & climate
October 20, 2009

On 31 August 2009 the inhabitants of the Gazela informal settlement in Belgrade were resettled to temporary accommodation at four sites outside of Belgrade. After a visit conducted by partner group CEKOR in September which found a number of important issues needing to be addressed, Bankwatch carried out a follow-up fact-finding mission on 6-8 October 2009.

Transport, Social & economic impacts
March 13, 2009

The unprecedented economic crisis has the potential to provide a significant boost to the environment. Today, investing in a green economy and green jobs is seen as one of the top priorities for moving beyond the crisis. This unique window of political opportunity for the promotion of green investments should not be missed - and how European public money is to be used to get us out of these economic straits is on the line next week.

EU Funds
Energy & climate, Transport, Resource efficiency
July 21, 2008

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is no longer considering financing for a controversial hydrocarbons terminal in Vlora, Albania.

EBRD, EIB, World Bank Group
Energy & climate, Other harmful projects
March 11, 2008

The Civic Alliance for the Protection of the Vlora Bay, a local Albanian initiative group, continued on Sunday to press for a referendum on an oil deposit and a thermo-power plant being constructed north of the town of Vlora on Albania's Adriatic coast.

EBRD, EIB, World Bank Group
Energy & climate, Other harmful projects
January 22, 2008

Close to 3000 residents of Vlora, an Albanian city on the Adriatic coast, greeted the visit of representatives of the World Banks Inspection Panel with a clear plea - end World Bank credits for the EUR 110m thermal power plant that is part of a huge energy park development threatening the sensitive Vlora bay.

EBRD, EIB, World Bank Group
Energy & climate, Other harmful projects