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EU neighbourhood

MEPs call for responsible new EBRD mining strategy

Brussels – The new mining strategy of the EBRD risks contradicting the EU Resource Efficiency Roadmap and responsible mining principles, argue 22 MEPs in an open letter to European Commissioners which asks the EC to take a more active role in improving the EBRD mining strategy currently under review. (1)

Complaint to EBRD on Kolubara lignite mine project

The communities in Vreoci request the EBRD to suspend the loan for the Kolubara lignite mine because of the project company's failure to meet performance requirements regarding:
- community health, safety and security
- information disclosure and stakeholder engagement
- land acquisition and resettlement
- environmental and social appraisal management
- pollution prevention and abatement

EU: Don't fund the next Chernobyl

Right now Ukraine is seeking public money to continue operating its old and outdated nuclear reactors, and we need your help to stop it.

World to EBRD: Don't finance the next Chernobyl


With an EBRD loan decision for Ukraine's nuclear reactors getting closer, people across Europe are now asking in a petition on Avaaz.org's community site not to finance Ukraine's risky nuclear lifetime extensions.

Improving safety?

Source: , Nuclear Engineering International

Ukraine is hoping to receive European loans worth EUR 800 million to help finance safety improvements at its NPPs.

Lonely advocacy at Kolubara lignite mine


On a visit to the Kolubara mining complex in Serbia, Bankwatch staff was denied a meeting with the mining company, because of them caring for the environment.

Georgia: Tbilisi Offers Companies Forgiveness for Environmental Sins

Source: Molly Corso, eurasia.net

By creating loopholes in environmental legislation, is President Mikheil Saakashvili’s administration making a deal with the devil?

Another own goal for Ukraine at the Euro 2012


A Euro 2012 related road rehabilitation in Ukraine has left locals with a high speed road but no safety in their front yards.

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