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EU neighbourhood

Egypt's turmoil is a distraction from the west's economic agenda

The storming of the US embassy in Cairo has diverted attention once again from the real issues facing Egypt. It couldn't have come at a better time for those who want to convince the Egyptian people to accept an International Monetary Fund loan and other western IFI interventions, and thus extend former president Hosni Mubarak's liberalisation of the economy.

Croatian coal power plans advancing despite legal violations and economic unfeasibility

It has been a busy time of late for the planned EUR 800 million, 500 MW Plomin C coal power plant. The Croatian government is pressing ahead with the project under the assumption that it will – along with the equally controversial EBRD-financed Ombla hydropower plant – save Croatia's ailing economy. Yet it is far from certain who will actually participate in the project, let alone finance it.

Open letter to Serbian president: Protect our property in the Vreoci cemetery

The letter is asking the Serbian government to protect Vreoci community property in the Vreoci cemetery and especially an orthodox chapel that is property of Vreoci citizens.

European public banks must improve transparency

Brussels - The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) score low on transparency according to the ‘2012 Aid Transparency Index’ [1] published today by the campaign group ‘Publish What You Fund’.

Can Ukraine abandon nuclear energy? Yes we can

This briefing examines how Ukraine can reduce its dependency on nuclear energy, without sacrificing its ability to meet demands. The results show that Ukraine could very well satisfy its electricity needs even when it shuts down expired nuclear power plants, does not built new ones, and neither increases the use of coal in thermal power plants.

Letter to President of Ukraine calling for veto against Khmelnistky nuclear units

Bankwatch and its members appeal to Viktor Yanukovych, President of Ukraine, to stop the Ukrainian government's plans to construct two new nuclear units at the Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant. The letter asks Yanukovych to use his vetoing power and not sign the relevant law that was adopted by Ukraine's parliament on 6 September 2012, since the law is in direct violation of Ukraine’s international obligations.

Money lost, safety postponed: On the mismanagement in Ukraine's energy sector


A recent audit showed that Ukraine lacks good management at least as much as finances to reform its energy sector. EU money is meanwhile siding with a tainted company.

L’Ukraine reste championne du nucléaire

Source: Susana Jourdan, Le Courrier

ENERGIE Au pays de Tchernobyl, les autorités publiques comptent, avec de l’argent suisse notamment, stimuler la production massive d’électricité à partir de nucléaire et de charbon.

Bringing EU standards to third countries?


When the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development invest money in our countries, they are often expected to promote good practices in the projects they support.

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