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EU neighbourhood

Involvement of EBRD in Ukraine nuclear sector - Greenpeace action in Kiev

The letter from Greenpeace to the EBRD explains in more detail why Greenpeace has joined Bankwatch's opposition to the Ukraine nuclear power plant safety upgrade project and has staged a protest action in Kiev in December 2012. Both Greenpeace and Bankwatch fear that some of the crucial arguments are not taken into account by the EBRD staff and Board so far.

Guidelines and recommendations for public participation in IPA programming

Effective planning of objectives and achievable targets for regional development requires the integration of all partners and stakeholders into the planning processes, taking into account their specific knowledge of the local context and so guaranteeing the results orientation of Cohesion funding. This briefing offers guidelines and a set of recommendations for governments in pre-accession countries in order to help them establish and implement the partnership principle with all relevant stakeholders in the programming of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) for 2014-2020.

EIB energy policy review - Time to lock out climate destructive investments for good

The European Investment Bank (EIB), the EU’s bank and also the biggest public financial institution in the world by lending volume, has launched a public consultation on its energy policy and is seeking views from the public and other stakeholders that should feed into a review of one of the EIB’s most crucial lending sectors. The new policy is expected to take effect from June 2013.

EBRD mulls latest mega-corp support - for Monsanto

Monsanto, the world’s largest seed producer and one of the most well-known promoters of genetically modified crops worldwide, is in line to receive USD 40 million of public financial support from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the bank disclosed last month.

Asleep at the wheel - Ford cuts jobs in Europe, the EU's bank delivers for Ford in Turkey

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has come under fire in recent weeks thanks to a loan granted to Ford Europe. The EU’s bank signed off on a EUR 200 million loan to the car giant for the company’s relocation of production to Turkey not long after Ford Europe announced the shutdown of its production sites in Genk, Belgium, and Southampton in England.

How many IFIs - and how many millions - does it take to make a safe road?

Last month, residents in the village of Krupets in Ukraine blocked the Kyiv-Chop road that runs straight through the village. Their protest – the road was blocked off for more than 90 minutes – came as a result of horrifying car accidents (including ten fatal car accidents since the beginning of this year) that have taken place in their community due to the lack of a speed limit, street lighting and appropriate traffic signs. The regional prosecutor office has initiated a case against the regional roads agency for alleged violation of road and traffic safety standards.

IFI negligence rife at first major post-revolution project in Egypt

A USD 3.7 billion PPP oil refinery expansion in Cairo is accompanied by contradictory project documents, making a mockery of claims by the public banks involved to be committed to ‘good governance’ or democracy. Despite being presented as merely translations of one document, the Arabic and English ‘versions’ are entirely different – with the Arabic markedly cursory and superficial.

Unsustainable energy future for EU neighbourhood region challenged

Europe’s neighbouring countries, from the Western Balkans to Ukraine, are intent on pursuing unsustainable energy futures that rely heavily on coal and nuclear. The draft energy strategy of the European Energy Community, recently open for public comments, is no big departure from the national plans, as Bankwatch found out when compiling comments to the draft – and, moreover, this reliance on coal and nuclear energy could end up receiving EU support and financing.

Public action in Ukraine: Reminding the EBRD of the meaning of nuclear safety


A protest action held today in front of the EBRD office in Kiev by Greenpeace and Bankwatch highlighted the dangers of Ukraine’s plans to prolong the operations of its 15 nuclear reactors. The groups called on the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to take safety more seriously than Ukrainian authorities and invest in decommissioning rather than lifetime extensions.

Campaign update: Protests against Monsanto in front of Serbian EBRD office

Since the news broke in early November that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is considering supporting Monsanto, one of the most controversial agricultural corporations, with up to USD 40 million, we have heard voices of protest from across Europe. Last Thursday, Serbian NGOs and anti-GMO activists took their protest to the Belgrade offices of the EBRD

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