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EU neighbourhood

Anti-coal campaign in Kosovo puts focus on health


A campaign against a new lignite power plant in Kosovo uses World Bank figures to highlight the health damage resulting from pollution.

Kolubara "mired in crime and corruption"


Those were the words of Serbian Energy Minister Zorana Mihajlović, speaking last week in a press conference during which she announced that a thorough investigation is ongoing into corrupt practices by the management of the Kolubara mining complex.

Good news: EBRD drops controversial Monsanto project


A potential cooperation between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the agro-corporation Monsanto has thankfully not come to fruition. The case highlights the difficulties for a large development bank to reach farmers on the ground.

Off on the wrong foot in Kosovo? A lignite power plant and the EBRD


Notwithstanding the dominance of lignite in Kosovo's energy mix, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development may get involved with yet another lignite project in the Western Balkans.

Comments on EBRD policy and forthcoming energy strategy (Urgewalt/Klimaallianz, DE)

In their comments, the German NGO urgewald and the environmental coalition Klimaallianz focus on the EBRD's support for fossil fuels and nuclear energy. Their recommendations call for a phase out of loans to fossil fuels, a more stringent approach to energy efficiency and a stronger focus on renewables for domestic needs.

Comments on the EBRD's 2006 Energy Operations Policy and recommendations for the forthcoming Energy Strategy

As the first step in its review of its Energy Operations Policy, the EBRD asked for input on its current policy before moving on to write the new sectoral strategy. In our comments, Bankwatch highlighted the current policy's lack of restrictions on climate-damaging projects including coal power plants and the need for the bank to adopt strict sustainability criteria in order to ensure that it supports only truly sustainable renewable energy.

EIB Capital Increase May Not Further EU Goals

Brussels -- Last week’s ten billion euros capital increase for the European Investment Bank (EIB), allowing the bank to lend 60 billion euros extra over the next three years, must come with clear commitments from the bank to stop loans for dirty energy, say NGOs.

The EIB's energy lending in the spotlight

The European Investment Bank has opened a review of its energy policy and called for the public's views on the key future challenges for the bank's operations. The lending figures to the energy sector until 2011 show that the policy must better guide the EIB's lending towards EU policy objectives of de-carbonisation of the energy sector.

Bankwatch input for the review of the European Investment Bank's energy lending policy

In Autumn 2012, the European Investment Bank has launched a process of reviewing its energy lending policy in order to align it better with EU climate goals. Bankwatch's comments lay out the case for fossil fuels to 'fall out' of the EIB's future energy lending policy - and for an overall more ambitious, and substantially more climate-sensitive EIB energy policy.

The newest EBRD member, Kosovo, does not need new coal

Pristina - As Kosovo becomes the newest member of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development today, civil society groups in the country tell the bank that it should exclude from the start any investments in coal and that it could have an enormous positive impact by supporting energy efficiency measures.

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