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Kiev-Chop road rehabilitation

The rehabilitation of Kiev-Chop road project that received support from the EBRD and the EIB (each EUR 200 million) was supposed to rehabilitate the M06 Kiev-Chop Highway to European standards. Although the project was rated Category B (without significant adverse environmental impacts) it has seriously affected the life of the villagers of Bolyarka and Berezivka (Vasilivsky district, Zhitomir region) that are located along the rehabilitated road.

The briefing is based on a letter sent to the EBRD's Environmental Department in April 2012.

EBRD support for Kolubara locking in Serbia's CO2 emissions

Linked to a slew of controversies, the Kolubara lignite mining project in Serbia is in line for support from European public banks. Corruption allegations, pollution at local level, irregularities in resettlement of local populations and not to forget a climate damaging approach to energy investments should be reason enough to find alternative options.

Improve quality of EIB lending before increasing quantity - letter to EIB governors

The letter, sent shortly before the European Investment Bank's annual meeting, calls on EIB governors to improve the EIB's lending before increasing its capital base as a response to the European crisis. The letter argues that in order to offer a long term solution, EIB backed projects should be economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. Right now this is not the case.

Public participation - experiences from IPA countries

In light of the new proposed Regulation for the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA), Bankwatch has compiled case studies from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia to illustrate the lack of political will to properly implement EU principles on public participation. This represents a significant problem in the implementation of the IPA funds in these countries.

Chernobyl at 26: nuclear dynamite is growing in Ukraine


26 years ago, the days after the nuclear accident in Chernobyl had been marked by the glaring lack of information. Today, Europe's population is similarly clueless as back then about the nuclear risk brewing in Ukraine.

Europe's energy games are not child's play


A new campaign video illustrates Europe's self-absorbed approach to its energy policy outside Europe. (A blog entry Cross-posted from the Counter Balance blog.)

Photo report from Kiev Chop road rehabilitation - dangers and hardships for local communities

The rehabilitation of the Kiev-Chop road, financed with the help of EBRD and EIB loans, was part of the preparations for the Euro 2012 championships in Poland and Ukraine. Due to a negligent implementation, the project resulted in local people having to face dangerous, even life threatening situations every day.

Kolubara independent Union request to withold credit for Kolubara

In its letter, the independent union at the Kolubara mine points at extremely difficult and inhumane working conditions and their employer's reckless attitude toward employees. The union calls on the EBRD to not extend a loan to the Kolubara lignite mine before workers' rights are being respected.

Letter to EBRD: Kolubara loan connected to resettlement and impacts on communities

In its letter to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Bankwatch member group CEKOR discusses issues related to the Kolubara lignite mining project that have not yet been clarified. Among them is the fact that the EBRD's loan is indeed connected to the resettlement of the Vreoci community, something which the EBRD has denied so far, and the so far vague claim that the project will contribute to emission reductions and environmental improvements.

The Instrument for Pre-Accession - Analysis of regulations past and present and proposals for amendments

The briefing analyses the old Regulation on the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) (2007-2013) and compares it with the new proposal (2014-2020), with a specific focus on environmental protection and transparency/partnership principle. Since the regulation is not strong enough in neither of these two areas, we provide amendments to the regulation's articles. The briefing is a useful tool for advocating for better environmental protection and improvement of the public participation in decision making in the Western Balkan countries.

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