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EU neighbourhood

Comments on the European Neighbourhood Policy and the forthcoming European Neighborhood Instrument

The primary goal of the EU’s neighbourhood policy should be based on an insistence on increased democracy in EU neighbourhood countries. This should happen through public participation in decision-making processes, the establishment of good governance and sustainable development practices, increased environmental protection and climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as increased welfare and social security across these countries.

Hydropower vs. nature in southeast Europe: EBRD complicity in environmental crime?


Why is it that when we advocate for something to the international financial institutions (IFIs) they often manage to give it a peculiar twist of their own?

European Parliament makes a step towards putting the 'E' into EBRD


By requesting a number of changes at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Parliament has confirmed at least some of Bankwatch's criticism of the bank's mode of operation and (in a subtle way) also its overall approach.

Potocnik says green economy, European public banks say black coal


The European Union's internal and external ambitions for green economies are being countered by the activities of European international financial institutions. EU Commissioner for the Environment Potocnik can see that also in his home country Slovenia.

Greenwashing nuclear expansion in Ukraine, with EU support


Upgrades of hydro power plants in Ukraine are a prime example for greenwashing nuclear expansion with renewable energy. Alena Miskun from Bankwatch member group National Environmental Centre of Ukraine gives details on the thickening plot that European public banks are involved in.

Contemplating secure and insecure energy supply


The EU external energy policy Communication published today by the European Commission continues the decade-long approach of the EU to ensure the unhindered flow of fossil fuel energy supplies to Europe without a real recognition of the problems this drive creates both inside and outside of the EU.

Bypassing responsibility


The complaints office at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has agreed to investigate a complaint from Bankwatch that a railway project in Georgia has not been properly assessed. Georgian Bankwatcher Dato Chipashvili thinks the case should be a lesson for the EBRD to make sure that from the start local people have their say in how projects are done.

From the outside looking in on EU money for Balkan accession


Macedonian Bankwatcher Ana Colovic-Lesoska is disappointed by how few opportunities for real public participation were provided during the European Union's (EU) consultation on the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), the main EU financial tool to help countries in their efforts to join the Community.

Bringing Georgian realities to the EBRD drawing board


David Chipashvili from Bankwatch member group Green Alternative in Georgia talks about the opportunities and threats in bringing concerns from the ground to the attention of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

New Bankwatch resource explains ABCs of ENP


In collaboration with its Georgian member group Green Alternative, Bankwatch is today releasing its online guide to the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP).

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