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EU: Don't fund the next Chernobyl

Right now Ukraine is seeking public money to continue operating its old and outdated nuclear reactors, and we need your help to stop it.

Help us convince the EBRD not to support Ukraine's dangerous nuclear reactors.

Sign our petition now

Behind a veil of safety improvements Ukraine plans to keep its Soviet era nuclear reactors running way beyond their shelf life. It is asking the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to finance these dangerous plans.

We need your help to stop this. Outdated nuclear reactors have to be closed to avoid yet another nuclear disaster.

Together we can send a strong message to the EBRD not to fund another Chernobyl. Please sign and share our petition on Avaaz.org.

Nuclear power? No thanks!


late August 2012:
We learn that the EBRD postponed its decision on the project to October 30.

September 24-28, 2012:
EBRD Board of Directors visits Ukraine, meets among others with NGOs.

October 2, 2012:
We find out about another postponement, now to November 27.

November 5, 2012:
The loan decision has been postponed for the third time. December 18 is the next date.

November 13, 2012:
During meetings with the EBRD, our campaigner finds out that the loan has been postponed yet again, this time until February 12, 2013. The Ukrainian nuclear energy company Energoatom apparently did not provide the necessary documentation in time.

Learn more

Ukraine's secretive plans and how European public money is involved >>>

There are alternatives: How Ukraine can do without nuclear >>>

The mismanagement in Ukraine's nuclear sector >>>
