France to probe Vinci corruption allegations over Russia contract

Source: Michael Stothard and Charles Clover, Financial Times

French prosecutors announced they will look into allegations of bribery involving Vinci, which is building a 43km stretch of toll road linking Moscow to St Petersburg.

Enquête ouverte contre une filiale russe de Vinci

Source: , Le Monde

Le parquet de Paris a annoncé jeudi 3 octobre l'ouverture d'une enquête préliminaire sur des infractions financières qui auraient été commises par une filiale de Vinci en marge de la construction de l'autoroute reliant Moscou et Saint-Pétersbourg.

Renewables funds must not go up in smoke

Source: Markus Trilling, ENDS Europe

The countdown to the release of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is now on, and the outlook continues to be bleak, to say the least.

Poland could violate law with new power plants – EU climate chief

Source: Sophie Yeo, Responding to Climate Change

Poland could face further conflict with Brussels if it pushes ahead with two new power plant units, in violation of EU regulations -

Stop funding coal, green groups tell European Bank

Source: , Business Green

Coalition of 10 of the largest green NGOs want European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to phase out coal, nuclear and shale gas investments

Письмо от общественных организаций Президенту ЕБРР касательно Статегии банка в энергетичеком секторе и консультаций

После недели консультационных встреч в Стамбуле, Белграде и Москве для обсуждения проекта Энергетической статегии ЕБРР с сотрудниками банка, общественные группы обращаются к Президенту Суме Чакрабарти, поскольку некоторые аспекты заслуживают внимания.

Строители ГЭС в Грузии не приветствуют озабоченности людей


Несмотря на публичные протесты, заявления и поведение грузинских властей подтверждают их решимость реализовать проект по строительству огромной ГЭС Худони, в результате которого 2000 сванам (население района) придется искать новое место жительства. В то же время проект компании-разработчика поднимает вопросы о скрытых мотивах.

Kyrgyzstan: Kumtor and the Environment

Source: , eurasianet

Your article “Is Purported Extortion Video a Bid to Boost Foreign Investor Confidence?” tacitly suggests that protests against the environmental damage caused by the Kumtor gold mine in Kyrgyzstan are disingenuous and that no reliable reports evidence this damage, citing a leaked video as proof that the company is in fact a victim, rather than a culprit.

Locals oppose mega-dam construction in Khaishi

Source: Nino Edilashvili , Georgia Today

A public debate over the fate of the Khudoni dam in Khaishi, a high mountainous region in west Georgia’s Svaneti region, remains tense. On September 17, as a public hearing on the issue was in progress, villagers in Khaishi turned out in significant numbers to the hearing to express their harsh opposition to the mega-dam project.

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