EBRD - eyes wide shut to coal sector corruption

Source: , The Ecologist

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has been financing coal mining companies implicated in criminal corruption allegations - according to a Bankwatch analysis.

Kolubara, mine serbe sur du charbon ardent

Source: Amandine Cailhol, Liberation

Soutenu par une filiale d’EDF, le projet d’agrandissement du site titanesque et très polluant inquiète les écologistes.

Erdogan's Turkey embarks on massive 'dash for coal'

Source: Oliver Tickell, The Ecologist

Ignoring its significant solar and wind power potential, Turkey is planning a massive 'dash for coal' with over 37,000 MW of new coal fired power stations.

Climat: des ONG dénoncent le soutien des banques à l’exploitation du charbon

Source: , Le Soir

Plusieurs ONG ont dénoncé vendredi le financement de projets d’exploitation du charbon, source d’énergie la plus émettrice de gaz à effet de serre, en publiant un classement des banques ayant le plus soutenu ce type d’investissement depuis 2005.

Coal set to be Poland’s main energy source until 2060

Source: Sophie Yeo, RTCC

An energy strategy released by the Polish government claims coal is optimal fuel for Poland, but doesn’t take into account environmental cost

Coal will remain Poland’s best energy option up to 2060, claims a report released by the Polish government this week.

As the United Nations gathered in Warsaw this week to hammer out a global climate change deal, Poland’s chancellery released its new energy strategy—its first since 2009.

British banks among world's biggest lenders to coal industry, report finds

Source: Fiona Harvey, The Guardian

Three UK banks are among the world's biggest lenders to the coal-mining industry, despite trumpeting their environmental credentials, a new report has found.

EU’s climate funding goal at risk, warns NGO

Source: Valerie Flynn, ENDS Europe

European banks slammed for backing coal industry

Source: Probir K Sarker, Dhaka Tribune

'Banking on Coal – Undermining our Climate' will be released on Friday during the UN Climate Summit at Warsaw

Two Polish private banks – Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego and PKO Bank Polski – have been identified to be on the dirty list of banks that are heating up the globe, damaging the environment and hurting local communities, a new report says.

Cough4Coal: Новое видео кампании задает тон для переговоров по климату в Польше


Рекламный ролик предстоящего протеста против саммита Мировой угольной ассоциации в Варшаве обращает внимание на негативное влияние угля на наше здоровье и, что ожидает угольный бизнес на глобальных климатических переговорах.

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