Gold Mine Strike Costing Kyrgyzstan Millions Per Week

Source: David Trilling, eurasianet

A week-old strike at Kyrgyzstan’s largest gold mine is costing Bishkek approximately $380,000 per day, according to the Vechernii Bishkek newspaper. Judging by a brief slowdown last year, the walkout could sharply affect growth forecasts.

EBRD invests a record €2.6bn in sustainable energy in 2011

Source: Elza Holmstedt Pell, Environmental Finance

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) invested €2.6 ($3.43) billion in sustainable energy projects in 2011.

Greener EU budget good for jobs, say NGOs

Source: , ENDS Europe

More than half a million jobs could be created in Europe if 14% of the next EU budget for 2014-20 is invested in green sectors such as renewable energy and nature protection, a group of environmental groups has said.

Золотой рудник Кумтор. Риски для региональных водных систем

В позиции НПО обобщаются выводы доклада, автором которого является гидрогеолог и геохимик Роберт Моран. В докладе говорится, что канадская компания Центерра Голд, которая владеет и управляет месторождением Кумтор, загрязняет местные водные системы и ледники, скрывая доказательства таких негативных последствий от общественного контроля.

Union européenne : incohérences environnementales des politiques de cohésion

Source: Agnes Sinai, Actu Environment

Le réseau Bankwatch a réalisé une évaluation de la prise en compte des objectifs environnementaux et climatiques dans les investissements soutenus par les fonds de cohésion. La Commission cherche à accentuer leur cohérence écologique.

The facts are clear: Report finds EU can deliver more jobs in a green budget

Source: , Palestine News Network

Brussels/Belgium-A report has just been released highlighting the potential for green job creation in the next EU budget, 2014-20. This analysis builds on previous work by the UNEP and shows that funding of sustainable infrastructures and environmental programs can create employment at a lower cost than the current Common Agricultural and Cohesion policies.

The report was commissioned by an alliance of leading environmental NGOs, and released in the European Parliament to an audience of MEPs.

Report calls on EU to redirect €1tr budget to boost green growth

Source: Jessica Shankleman, Business Green

Green groups call on Commission to redirect budget into environmental sectors, as ministers prepare for next Energy Council meeting in Brussels

The European Commission has been urged to redirect some of its €1tr budget into green sectors such as sustainable transport and energy efficient construction, after a new report found that doing so could boost the number of green jobs by 320 per cent.

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