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Euro Parliament vote sends positive signal for greening the EU budget

Brussels, Belgium -- Today’s voting by the European Parliament Budget Committee in favour of at least 20 percent of the future EU budget for 2014-20 going to address climate change, was welcomed by CEE Bankwatch Network and Friends of the Earth Europe.

The environment groups continue though to call for a 25 percent 'climate mainstreaming' figure in the final budget deal, to be decided next month, in order to boost EU action on climate change and create thousands of green jobs.

Markus Trilling, EU Funds coordinator for Bankwatch and Friends of the Earth Europe, said:

“Today’s European Parliament vote sends a clear signal to the member states that green spending has to have a strong presence in the final EU budget 2014-20 deal. The budget committee's backing of the 20 percent climate figure is a step in the right direction. To really reap the benefits of a green EU budget, we believe that 25 percent for climate change measures should be the starting point.

“More jobs, more benefits for people living in Europe via energy efficiency savings and reductions in EU emissions. These are benefits that an ambitiously green budget can provide, and yet currently they're not getting a look in at the main EU budget negotiating table.

“If you’re someone looking out for how the EU can benefit your family and your local community, as things stand you and millions of others are still in the dark about how EU spending can help. Today's vote comes just under 50 days before a vital EU summit to finalise the next EU budget's shape. The member states urgently need to ditch the negativity about the EU budget and focus much more on the clear green positives that it can bring."

For more information, contact:

Markus Trilling
CEE Bankwatch Network and Friends of the Earth Europe
Tel: 0032 484 056 636
Email: markus AT bankwatch.org

More background on the future EU budget is available at:
