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Letter to the EBRD regarding the a potential loan to the Azeri State Railways company

Dear Mr. Yayikoglu

I hope you are doing well and safely arrived from Kazan. I have several questions regarding ADDY project. As you probably know I have submitted an appeal to the Secretary General on non disclosure and given answer by Mr. Horst Reichenbach says that the project sponsor is in the process of releasing the Environmental Review Summary in the relevant local language. So I would be happy to know when ADDY will disclose it to the public.

And the second question is refer to the public consultation which should be conducted by ADDY. Under EBRD's Environmental Policy Annex 2 On "B" level projects the country's public consultation requirements will need to be followed at a minimum. In addition, the project sponsor must notify the affected public about the relevant environmental issues associated with the project and summarise the mitigation measures, action plans and other initiatives agreed, in an appropriate language. This summary must be released locally by the time of the final management review of the project, prior to Board consideration. Bank staff will report to management and the Board on the status of these requirements. Guidance will be prepared for project sponsors.

The locomotive project passed final review. When your client is going to conduct public consultation in order to fulfill its obligations under EBRD's Policy?

Looking forward to your answer

Best regards

Sona Taghiyeva
Oil Workers Rights Protection Organization
