Главная >> Node >> Who wants it? Who needs it? The Vlora coastal terminal, Albania

Who wants it? Who needs it? The Vlora coastal terminal, Albania

The terminal is to be located inside the industry park near a thermo-power plant which has already received lending support from the EBRD, European Investment Bank and the World Banks International Development Association.

It is evident that up to now the Vlora terminal has provoked strong local opposition. There is a lack of local and national monitoring to cope with this high risk terminal. It is likely that the terminal will cause serious damage to the local community including jeopardising the tourism industry, increasing the risks of oil spills not to mention its contribution to global climate change. The economic benefits being claimed for the project, such as increases in employment, are insignificant compared to the predictable loss of jobs in the tourism sector. Representatives of Albanian civil society, call upon the EBRD Board of Directors not to finance this project.
