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CEE Bankwatch Network input for the EBRD transport sector evaluation

CEE Bankwatch Network's inputs into the EBRDs evaluation of its work
in the transport sector - an important sector but one which is the
fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions.

As well as commenting on individual projects Bankwatch is calling
on the EBRD to dramatically reduce investments in new motorways,
restrict aviation investments to safety measures and air traffic
management, and ensure that railway restructuring does not result in
disincentives for its use such as higher prices. We are also concerned
that the transition indicators used by the EBRD concentrate on
promoting private sector participation even in sub-sectors where significant advantages for service provision have not been proven and where even advanced market economies sometimes do not employ private sector service provision.

Finally we call on the EBRD to ensure that its transition indicators measure not only transition to a market economy but also transition to a low-carbon economy.
