Главная >> Node >> Letter asking the European Commission's Executive Director in the EBRD to clarify his D1 Motorway Phase One project approval

Letter asking the European Commission's Executive Director in the EBRD to clarify his D1 Motorway Phase One project approval

On April 27, 2010 at the annual meeting of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Commissions (EC) Executive Director voted positively regarding the D1 Motorway Phase One project in Slovakia - despite the project's serious shortcomings and an ongoing project screening by the EC (DG Environment) for its compliance with the environmental acquis communautaire.

The letter asks Mr. Lelakis to explain the EC's approach and expresses concern about the lack of consistency within the institution regarding this case.

The European Commission responded to our letter on September 7, 2010. Their response can be downloaded as pdf.
