Главная >> Node >> Civil society letter to IFC requesting to include lessons learned from the Chad-Cameroon and BTC pipeline projects in the assessment process of the Nabucco pipeline project

Civil society letter to IFC requesting to include lessons learned from the Chad-Cameroon and BTC pipeline projects in the assessment process of the Nabucco pipeline project

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is considering financing the Nabucco gas pipeline project. Should the IFC decide to finance the project, it risks repeating the serious economic, environmental, social and human rights mistakes associated with the Baku Tbilisi Ceyhan (BTC) and Chad-Cameroon pipeline projects and involving the World Bank Group in another highly problematic, politicized and economically and environmentally unsustainable project. With this letter, 36 civil society organisations worldwide request that the Board of Directors officially consider the lessons learned from mistakes at Chad-Cameroon and BTC as part of the assessment process of the Nabucco project.
