Учреждение: ЕБРР
Problematic expansion of agribusiness giant MHP in Ukraine with EBRD support
Briefing | 01.02.2016
Myronivsky Hliboproduct PJSC, also known as MHP, is a long-term client of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Following loands in 2013 and 2010, the EBRD approved a USD 85 million loan on 28 October 2015 to support MHP's agricultural working capital needs. While the agricultural sector is widely viewed as one of the engines of the Ukrainian economy, MHP's operations are having a range of negative impacts on local communities. It is also hard to see that the loan from the EBRD will “promote its growth and competitiveness by working with companies like MHP” as currently MHP has a near monopoly on the national poultry production subsector.