Главная >> Node >> Sport for Rights to EBRD: No public money for Lukoil and mega gas project in Azerbaijan

Sport for Rights to EBRD: No public money for Lukoil and mega gas project in Azerbaijan

On Wednesday 22 July the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will decide whether it will arrange a loan of up to $ 500 million to Russia’s Lukoil for the Shah Deniz II offshore gas project in Azerbaijan.

Together with the campaigners of Sport for Rights and sixteen other NGOs, Bankwatch has written a letter to the EBRD’s president and its directors. We urge them to reject the project because Azerbaijan fails the EBRD’s basic requirements which include human rights, multi-party democracy, rule of law and pluralism.

Also available:

EBRD response to the letter (July 27, 2015) - Download pdf
