Главная >> Node >> Letter to EBRD: Espoo Convention confirms Ukraine's non-compliance with Ukraine’s international obligations regarding nuclear reactors' lifetime-extensions

Letter to EBRD: Espoo Convention confirms Ukraine's non-compliance with Ukraine’s international obligations regarding nuclear reactors' lifetime-extensions

The Implementation Committee under the Espoo Convention concluded in March 2013 that the extension of the life-times of two nuclear reactor units at the Rivne NPP are a case of non-compliance with Ukraine's international obligations. The two units are part of a, EBRD financed project and got their life-time extensions in 2010 without preparing an environmental impact assessment (EIA) and with no information provided to potentially affected neighbouring states. Moreover, the process of decision-making on the possibility of lifetime extension of another expired unit - South Ukrainian Unit 1 - is close to completion and again without an EIA prepared and consulted.
