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Бенквоч в прессе

Intercontinental Cry Magazine | 11.07.2013

Ulaanbaatar – A group of Mongolian herders submitted today [July 5] an official complaint to the Project Complaints Mechanism of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), hoping to initiate a process of evaluation of the adverse impacts on their health and livelihoods of two mining projects financed by the international public lender.

Power Engineering International | 11.07.2013

A top environmental law agency has applauded European Commissioner for Climate Policy Connie Hedegaard for her stance on development banks’ lending practices to fossil fuel power generators.

Power Engineering International | 10.07.2013

The momentum towards a world, or a Europe at least, where renewable power dominates was added to this week, when Connie Hedegaard said development banks ought to take “a lead role in eliminating public support for fossil fuels.”

Blue and Green Tomorrow | 10.07.2013

The EU’s commissioner for climate change has urged three large development banks to stop investing in fossil fuels and to instead promote renewable energy in the western Balkans.

Business Green | 08.07.2013

Major victory for global divestment campaign as Nordic investment giant excludes 19 fossil fuel companies from its portfolio

EurActiv | 08.07.2013

Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard has called for development banks with a combined annual lending pot of €130 billion to end support for fossil fuels in their energy lending policy reviews.

Energypost.eu | 04.07.2013

The European Investment Bank (EIB) intends to place stricter CO2 emission standards on coal power plants that it finances, but not as strict as the standards president Obama recently proposed in the US. The EIB is also considering investing in shale gas projects, according to a draft of its new energy lending policy. NGOs accuse the EIB of a “missed opportunity to politically reject coal”. With the EBRD and World Bank also mulling new investment criteria, the battle to “green up” Big Energy Money is heating up.

Der Spiegel | 04.07.2013

Article available upon request

Balkan Insight | 27.06.2013

Heavy investment in fossil fuels by international financial institutions in Western Balkan countries is hindering their compliance with EU climate targets, a report says.

New Europe | 27.06.2013

Continued investment by international public finance institutions in traditional energy projects are hindering the chances of countries in the western Balkans to comply with EU accession requirements, according to a new report.