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Бенквоч в прессе

eurasianet | 23.09.2013

Your article “Is Purported Extortion Video a Bid to Boost Foreign Investor Confidence?” tacitly suggests that protests against the environmental damage caused by the Kumtor gold mine in Kyrgyzstan are disingenuous and that no reliable reports evidence this damage, citing a leaked video as proof that the company is in fact a victim, rather than a culprit.

Georgia Today | 23.09.2013

A public debate over the fate of the Khudoni dam in Khaishi, a high mountainous region in west Georgia’s Svaneti region, remains tense. On September 17, as a public hearing on the issue was in progress, villagers in Khaishi turned out in significant numbers to the hearing to express their harsh opposition to the mega-dam project.

business new europe | 23.09.2013

In Belgrade city centre, protestors stand behind a dramatic black banner depicting the outlines of two fallen bodies: "2,100 dead in Serbia. EBRD coal kills," reads the bold yellow and red text.

The Guardian | 10.09.2013

The European development bank's focus on fossil fuels has had a negative impact on communities. It's time to change direction

Reuters Point Carbon | 06.09.2013
Transitions online | 02.09.2013

A new video appears to show that extortion has been behind some anti-mining protests.

information.dk | 22.08.2013

Den Europæiske Investeringsbank bringer nu sine lånekriterier på linje med EU’s klimapolitik, så den fremover kun vil støtte renere energiproduktion. Godt men ikke godt nok, lyder kritikken fra nogle klimaorganisationer. Andre jubler

New Europe | 06.08.2013

A few days ago, the Polish parliament took a significant step towards securing the country’s resilience and sustainability when it comes to energy needs.

EurActiv | 25.07.2013

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has raised the bar on criteria that must be met for funding future fossil-fuel projects in a new energy lending policy, approved by bank shareholders – mostly EU member states – at a board meeting in Luxembourg on 23 July.