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Бенквоч в прессе

Balkan Insight | 13.09.2016

NGOs warn that Albanian families expected to give up their properties to make room for the Adriatic pipeline project, TAP, have not been adequately compensated, while some have faced threats of government expropriation.

Four families in Albania have submitted complaints to the European Investment Bank, EIB, over the low level of compensation they have been offered from TAP representatives for the displacement of their properties as a result of building the pipeline.

Vijesti Online | 11.09.2016

Iako A2A nije objavila namjere u vezi sa EPCG, a nije odgovorila na zahtjev „bneIntelliNews“ za informacijama, analitičari predviđaju da će kompanija iskoristiti mogućnost da ode

Očekuje se da će italijanska kompanija A2A izaći iz svoje investicije u Elektroprivredi CG nakon burnih sedam godina, ostavljajući Crnoj Gori mogućnost da slobodono ignoriše zabrinutost za ekonomsku održivost, ekološku štetu i transparentnost zbog namjere da gradi drugi blok Termoelektrane Pljevlja, navodi londonski „bne IntelliNews”.

Nakon nekoliko mjeseci pregovora, nedavno [...]

BusinessGreen | 02.09.2016

EU bodies including the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development are backing fossil fuel projects that threaten progress on climate targets, NGOs claim

Despite the promises made in Paris in December last year, key European institutions continue to fund dirty energy generation over alternative energy sources, according to a new report released yesterday [...]

Дневник | 28.08.2016

Неправилно разходване на европейски средства за обществените поръчки за изготвяне проекти на планове за управление на Национален парк "Пирин" и Природен парк "Витоша" и потенциална загуба на европейско разнообразие в резултат от тези проекти, финансирани със средства на Европейския съюз по оперативна програма "Околна среда".

Korca TV | 26.08.2016

Organizata joqeveritare Bank Watch Network po kryen nje vizite dhe inspektim ne vendin tone per te pare nga afer zbatimin e projekteve madhore me impakt ne ekonomi. Sipas perfaqesuesve te kesaj organizate eshte mjaft e rendesishme qe gjate implementimit ne terren te projekteve madhore dhe afatgjata te merren parasysh interesat e banoreve dhe qytetareve per tu ofruar atyre zgjidhje te qendrueshme.

Financial Mail | 25.08.2016

An initiative aimed at increasing the transparency of mining companies’ payments to governments across the globe has been slammed as paternalistic and ineffective by representatives of the people it was claimed to help.

The extractive industries transparency initiative (EITI) was first announced by then UK prime minister Tony Blair at the world summit on sustainable development in Johannesburg in 2002. It was launched a year later, at a time when the entire developed world, led by Blair and pop stars Bono and Bob Geldof, seemed determined to save Africa from itself.

Financial Post | 19.08.2016

MONTREAL — Quebec has had an international reputation for hydroelectric engineering since the nationalization of Hydro-Québec in the 1960s. The construction of the James Bay Project — one of the largest hydroelectric systems in the world — helped launch the province as a leader in the field and that expertise is getting notice around the world.

taz | 04.08.2016

Die Regierung in Kiew will endlich unabhäng von russischem Gas werden. Ein Solarpark in der Zone um Tschernobyl soll helfen.

KIEW taz | Mehr Sonne: Die Regierung der Ukraine hat ehrgeizige Pläne zur Förderung erneuerbarer Energien. Kürzlich stellte sie ein neues Projekt vor: Eine 6.000 Hektar große Solarfarm in der 30-Kilometer-Zone um die Reaktoren von Tschernobyl.

Reporter.al | 27.07.2016

CEE Bankwatch, një rrjet organizatash mjedisore në Europën Qendrore dhe Lindore, i ka kërkuar bankave Europiane për zhvillim të mos e financojnë projektin e gazsjellësit TAP, duke cituar kompensimin e padrejtë të qytetarëve shqiptarë të prekur nga projekti – të cilën ato e cilësojnë si të panevojshëm për sigurinë energjetike të Europës.

Të hënën presidenti i Bankës Europiane për Rindërtim dhe Zhvillim Suma Chakrabati do të vizitojë Tiranën, ndërkohë që BERZH po vlerëson një kredi prej 1.5 miliardë euro për Gazsjellësin Trans Adriatik, TAP, – kredia më e madhe në historinë e bankës.