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Energy Union - torn between decarbonisation and fossil fuels


Planning for the Energy Union is still a work in progress. Maroš Šefčovič, vice-president of the European Commission in charge of the Energy Union is touring through Europe to discuss and promote the plans. Al the while, hopes that the Energy Union will facilitate an ambitious decarbonisation of Europe's energy sector are shrinking.

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Bankwatch in the media | July 14, 2016

Začiatkom júla začalo Slovensko predsedať Rade Európskej únie. Uprostred politických turbulencií nielen u nás doma, ale aj v Európe sa slovenská vláda rozhodla podporiť zaznamenaniahodné nástroje ekonomickej politiky.

Blog entry | April 15, 2016

The Southern Gas Corridor risks locking in higher fossil fuel dependence and wasting colossal amounts of public money.

Blog entry | November 9, 2015

It’s no secret that Poland is not the biggest proponent of ambitious European climate and energy policies. Rather than give Poland the extra nudge it needs to transform its increasingly obsolete energy system, the Energy Union risks sustaining – and legitimising – the Polish addiction to fossil fuels.

Blog entry | September 17, 2015

A leaked document, published here for the first time, that outlines the Slovenian government’s priorities for the EU’s Energy Union reveals a potential conflict with what the European Commission has on offer. Yet, neither promises ambitious strides towards more renewables.

Blog entry | September 10, 2015

Similar to what we have seen in other countries, when it comes to concrete projects in Slovakia the Energy Union proposals are so far to a much larger extent aiming at security of (gas) supply than they are at decarbonisation.