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Investment Plan for Europe more climate friendly, but European Parliament shows little ambition

Today in Strasburg, the European Parliament lead committees have brought the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) closer to compliance with the Paris Climate Agreement. However, they have once again fallen short of eliminating fossil fuel subsidies, which stand in the way of climate action.

Support to fossil fuel projects from the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI)

In September 2016 the European Commission published its proposal for the prolongation of the EFSI until 2020, to be achieved by amending the existing regulation. We welcome several improvements, but are concerned that they fall short of properly tackling the challenges and shortcomings identified, namely to provide additionality and catalyse the unambiguous move to reduce GHG reductions. On the basis of our in depth report Best Laid Plans, which analysed the 93 projects approved until July 2016 and further analysis of the EFSI entire portfolio till the end of 2016 under the Infrastructure and Innovation Window (IIW), we consider that the EFSI regulation needs considerable improvements in the energy area.

Too good to be true? Assessing one year of the Investment Plan for Europe


Europe is hemorrhaging cash in deeply unsustainable projects like motorways, airports and gas infrastructure.

Juncker investment plan: deep reforms necessary for sustainable future

Cash that should be flowing into projects that boost environmental sustainability is instead fuelling outdated carbon-intensive projects like motorways, airports, and fossil-fuel infrastructure, according to a new report on Europe’s investment plan released today

Juncker Investment Plan 2 and review of EU budget offer no progress towards Europe's long-term climate goals

What should have been two significant contributions to Europe’s war chest in the fight against climate change will in fact leave the planet short-changed and open the door to even more polluting fossil fuel projects, argue campaigners at Bankwatch, Friends of the Earth Europe and Climate Action Network Europe.

Juncker’s extended investment plan is ‘greenwash’, say campaigners

Source: unknown author, ENDS Europe

Environmental NGOs have claimed the European Commission’s investment plans will “open the door” to more fossil fuel projects


Naše predsedníctvo za solidaritu

Source: Tomáš Profant, Pravda.sk

Začiatkom júla začalo Slovensko predsedať Rade Európskej únie. Uprostred politických turbulencií nielen u nás doma, ale aj v Európe sa slovenská vláda rozhodla podporiť zaznamenaniahodné nástroje ekonomickej politiky.

EFSI case study: Bratislava bypass: A transport public-private partnership with high costs and limited benefits

The so-called European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) should unlock additional investment of at least EUR 315 billion over a three year period (2015-2017). One of the projects benefiting from the financing concerns the design, construction, operation and maintenance of about 27km of a motorway around Bratislava. The project will come with high costs, will damage biodiversity and likely not solve local transport problems.

MEP Pirinski: "The EIB should pay more attention to economic, social and territorial cohesion"


MEP Georgi Pirinski, rapporteur of the annual report on the European Investment Bank, shares his views on how to improve the way the bank operates.

EFSI case study: Energy efficiency in residential buildings in France: Energy Performance Contracting to boost investments

The so-called European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) should unlock additional investment of at least EUR 315 billion over a three year period (2015-2017). One of the projects benefiting from the EU financing is a program that aims to promote energy efficiency in the housing stock through the funding of certain regional/local initiatives supporting energy renovation of private residential buildings in France.

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