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Cough4Coal: New campaign video sets the scene for climate negotiations in Poland


A promotional video for an upcoming climate protest in Warsaw draws attention to the negative influence that coal has on our health and that coal businesses will have on the global climate negotiations.

Same old, same old - No signs yet that Bulgaria is getting real about how to spend its future EU budget money


With less than three months to go until the 2014-2020 EU budgetary period gets underway, a Bulgarian Partnership Agreement is being discussed with the European Commission – but the less said about it the better. In the spirit, though, of a country where a shake of the head means ‘Yes’, we have chosen to spill the beans at some length on where familiar mistakes are being taken, and where they may lead.

How embarrassing: EBRD transparency ranked 'poorest' among multilaterals


As the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development revises its safeguard policies, the Aid Transparency Index ranks its commitment to openness and transparency as the weakest in comparison with similar institutions.

Guest post: EBRD financed Ukrainian agribusiness causes local insecurities


Environmental groups in Ukraine have highlighted the negative local impacts of one of the biggest agribusinesses in the country, MHP, that is in line to receive additional credit by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

EU Funds to the rescue in Krakow - Local campaign leading the way for Polish communities sick of (and sick from) coal


The likely allocation of EU funds is set to bring about a breakthrough success for a popular and dearly needed campaign for better air quality in Krakow, Poland.

Oops ... Poland did it again aka standing in the way of climate progress


Just a few weeks before leading international climate negotiations at the COP 19 in Warsaw, and in the face of the new IPCC report’s dire conclusions, the Polish government is again obstructing European emissions reduction ambitions.

[Campaign update] Growing solidarity with local communities in Georgia puts Khudoni dam in spotlight


Protests against the Khudoni mega-dam in Georgia are spreading beyond the local communities affected by the dam. [*]

In Georgia, dam builders do not welcome peoples' concerns


Statements and behaviour of Georgian authorities show their determination to go ahead with the construction of the huge Khudoni dam that would displace more than 2000 indigenious Svans, regardless of public protests. At the same time the project company's set-up raises questions about ulterior motives.

Guest post: Polish open pit lignite mine in Lubin challenged in front of Constitutional Court


The Lubin municipality in south-western Poland, under threat by Polish government plans to build a new open-pit lignite mine, is taking its case to the Polish Constitutional Court.

"Move over Poland!" Czech parliament bids for EU 'dirty energy' crown, as renewables subsidies make way for fossil fuels


A new law that will redraw the Czech Republic’s approach to renewable energy is suspected to bring the development of the Czech renewables sector to a standstill and instead provide a boost for the country's fossil fuel sector.

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