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Ukrainian nuclear sector in defiance and in financial trouble


On November 28, the state nuclear regulator of Ukraine (SNRIU) allowed the continued operation of unit 1 of the South Ukrainian nuclear power plant (SUNPP-1) until December 2, 2023 - 10 years beyond its technically designed lifetime. The decision not only constitutes a breach of national regulation, but also disregards an unresolved case of non-compliance with the UN Espoo Convention. All this while Energoatom is in an increasingly tight financial situation.

UPDATED: Six months and counting... EBRD silent on investigations into its own operations


Is the EBRD deliberately dragging its feet on publishing investigation reports on large hydropower plants in Georgia, Macedonia and Croatia?

EBRD soldiering on in Egypt


Adding to the ongoing febrile atmosphere in the country, Egypt's military-backed authorities just yesterday passed a controversial new law that imposes draconian restrictions on public protest. Meanwhile, in recent weeks the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has reconfirmed its intention to remain active in the country - despite a number of serious doubts still hanging over its potential impact.

Guest post: End to UK coal investments overseas welcome - but it must include Kosovo


United in spirit with yesterday's blog post on the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's coal lending, Visar Azemi from the Kosovo Civil Society Consortium for Sustainable Development calls on the UK government to not support the Kosova e Re lignite power plant via the World Bank and make its promise to end overseas coal financing a reality.

Bankwatch joins NGO boycott of COP19


Today, Bankwatch joined other organisations walking out of Warsaw Climate Conference. Under the Polish government's leadership the talks have utterly failed to address the urgency of the situation. Targets have been unambitious, the interests of the fossil fuel industry have been allowed to dominate the discussions, and there is no new financing on the table for climate mitigation and adaptation. This conference has lost credibility in the fight against climate change.

PPPs a threat to national security, says Czech national security service BIS


The complicated nature, hidden future debts and other characteristics of public-private partnerships have led the Czech Republic's national security service to consider them a potential threat to public interests.

United Kingdom's retreat from coal increases pressure on EBRD


With the United Kingdom, another major shareholder of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is divesting from coal overseas. What does this mean for the upcoming decision on the EBRD’s energy strategy?

Guest post: "Coughing for Coal" outside the coal industry summit at UN Climate Talks


Monday morning in Warsaw, climate activists staged a public action in front of the Polish Ministry of Economy – the venue for the greenwashing Coal and Climate Summit – to voice their outrage and reiterate a simple reality: there is no such thing as clean coal.

Information is crucial - Villagers in the way of infrastructure in Ukraine need early support


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development helped solve conflicts between locals and Ukrainian state company Ukrenergo about an EBRD financed transmission line. On close inspection, the case illustrates that without close monitoring and support for local communities, it is left to chance and locals’ dedication that conflicts are being noticed in the first place.

Funny business as usual in the Czech Republic - one of the biggest fines in EU funds history handed out to Prague metro project


The manipulation of a tender for a metro line extension in Prague - financially supported via EU funds and the European Investment Bank (EIB) has not only resulted in a huge EU funds fine, but also raises questions about the EIB's ability to identify and avoid mismanagement in the infrastructure projects it finances.

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