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Shale tale: Unconventional gas and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development


During the last months, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has come out with positive statements about shale gas investments, most recently on Poland - a rather rash endorsement of a controversial technology.

[Campaign update] The reality of resettlement in Kolubara: Out of the frying pan into the fire

A quick visit to the Kolubara mining basin reveals that the resettlement there looks nothing like the presentation from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Face the future: Members of European Parliament discuss energy lending of European public banks


A roundtable discussion on European public banks and energy lending brought together Members of the European Parliament and non-governmental organisations, while the public banks themselves chose to stay away.

Victory for civil society as EBRD cancels loan for controversial Croatian dam


Today we're relieved in Zagreb as one energy project that could have had a destructive impact on Croatia's future has lost its financing and thus its chances of going ahead are drastically reduced: I’m speaking about the infamous Ombla dam, a project for an underground hydropower plant that would have practically destroyed a protected area close to Dubrovnik.

EU leaders support green energy campaign: The European Council calls for phasing out fossil fuel subsidies


Just as Bankwatch published a new infographic juxtaposing the European Investment Bank's beneficial and harmful energy lending, Europe's political leaders have set a priority for energy investments to phase out fossil fuel subsidies and focus on clean energy instead.

Energy efficiency becoming more central to future EU spending in the Czech Republic - thanks to NGO calls


Energy efficiency has now become a priority for EU funding in the Czech Republic for the forthcoming 2014-2020 budgetary period.

Divesting from coal is not ideology but climate science - a reminder for the EBRD


The energy director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has made astonishing statements about coal investments prompting Bankwatch's EBRD campaign team to react.

[Campaign update] EBRD still not withdrawing from damaging Ombla hydropower project, NGOs call on bank to heed new evidence


Despite having a slew of good reasons not to support the damaging Ombla hydropower plan in Croatia, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development still didn't confirm during recent meetings that it would withdraw from the project.

Fair treatment is a long time coming at Serbia's Kolubara lignite mine


People from the Kolubara mine basin in Serbia have many stories to tell about the hardships they face due to the lignite mining operations. Serbian Bankwatcher Nikola Perusic adds his account to two stories in the guardian and in Bankwatch Mail 56.

Public action: Croatian coal power plant besieged by 680 bodies


Yesterday, Green Action/Zelena Akcija, Greenpeace and Green Istria staged a spooky public action to raise attention for the findings of a new study that predicts approximately 17 early deaths annually due to the planned new 500 MW unit at the Plomin coal power plant in Croatia.

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