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Poland and the Energy Union: Legitimising Europe's flagship climate laggard?


It’s no secret that Poland is not the biggest proponent of ambitious European climate and energy policies. Rather than give Poland the extra nudge it needs to transform its increasingly obsolete energy system, the Energy Union risks sustaining – and legitimising – the Polish addiction to fossil fuels.

[Campaign update] MEP Rebecca Harms criticises Ukrainian nuclear operator for its lawsuit against activists


Nuclear safety activists in Ukraine who face defamation charges by the state nuclear operator Energoatom received support from Rebecca Harms, a member of the European Parliament, recently.

Up in smoke: the billions for Europe's auto industry from the EU's house bank


In the wake of last month’s Volkswagen (VW) emissions scandal, a Politico story, based on a Bankwatch analysis, revealed that the car manufacturer enjoyed generous public financial support from the European Investment Bank (EIB). But the full picture is even more disturbing.

Public action: Mourning the demise of Czech responsibility for climate action


Video and pictures from a public action agains lifting the coal mining limits in the Czech Republic that so far have saved towns from being resettled.

The EU's bank turns its back on Europe's long term climate goals


It appears that before approving the European Investment Bank's new climate strategy, the bank's Board of Directors has removed a reference to the European Union's long-term decarbonisation objectives as a guidance for the EIB's climate action.

Guest post: Throwing evidence to the wind? The World Bank continues pushing PPPs


Although World Bank research and documents acknowledge the limitations of public-private partnerships the bank continues to push PPPs despite concerns.

When environmental improvement becomes resettlement - lessons from Serbia's Kolubara mine


European financial institutions and Serbian authorities have failed to address the human impacts of resettlement in Serbia's lignite mining fields, a new study shows.

Financing the post-2015 agenda - the problematic role of development banks


The heavy involvement of international financial institutions in the post-2015 development agenda raises serious questions for civil society around the world on whether the SDGs will manage to address the root causes of inequality, poverty and environmental degradation.

Guest post: Italian mayors protest against the Trans Adriatic Pipeline


Local opposition in Italy to the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) is mounting. During a business event organised last week, a dozen mayors staged a protest against the government’s support for the project, who together with civil society and local authorities fear that the pipeline will destroy the environment and the safety of their communities. Instead they are demanding that EU drop the project.

Slovenia and the Energy Union: clash in priorities, renewables as collateral damage


A leaked document, published here for the first time, that outlines the Slovenian government’s priorities for the EU’s Energy Union reveals a potential conflict with what the European Commission has on offer. Yet, neither promises ambitious strides towards more renewables.

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