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Slovakia's EU funds spending plans: finance for the energy transition - where's it at?


Slovakia has missed the opportunity to use the EUR 14 billion of Cohesion spending to transform its largely monopolistic, heavily state influenced energy economy with its high dependence on imported fossil fuels and high carbon intensity.

Croatia's EU funds spending plans: Land of unfulfilled clean energy potential


EU funds could do a whole lot more to help the transformation to an efficient sustainable energy system in Croatia if the country adopts an effective strategy to get there, argues our research co-ordinator, Pippa Gallop.

Turceni coal unit in Romania shut down after operating illegally


The shut down of a coal-fired power plant unit is another great success for the climate and for clean air in Romania. Many more units may have to follow according to legislation on pollution limits.

EU funds spending plans in Hungary: the dark side is in the details


Hungary allocates a relatively high amount of EU Funds to energy but an in-depth analysis shows a lack of direct, non-refundable support in renovation of residential buildings, significant finance for burning instead of preventing waste and potentially unsustainable use of biomass.

EU funds spending plans in Estonia: The long and rocky path away from shale oil


While Estonia plans to use a large part of its EU funds investments for infrastructure projects in the public sector, there is no real political will to reduce the use of fossil fuels.

EU funds spending plans in Latvia: What's hidden behind the 'green veneer'?


The millions of EU Cohesion Policy money are choosing the 'darker side' of Latvia's renewable energy sources.

Bring on the money, don't ask for results. EU funds spending plans in the Czech Republic


The Czech Republic’s EU funds’ documents tick all the formal boxes, but the carbon intensity of its economy will most likely not change much.

What EU money can't buy: Poland's green energy transition just out of reach


Billions of euros of European funds will be invested in Poland between 2014 and 2020 under the heading of sustainable development and climate action. But without sound strategies and political will to decarbonise its economy, Europe’s biggest coal addict is set to waste the transformative potential of EU money – and Brussels is letting it happen.

Misuse of EU funds holds back Europe's clean energy transition


The new member states from Central Europe misuse the EU funding aimed at decarbonising their energy systems.

How to improve disclosure in World Bank public-private partnership projects?


The World Bank is currently inviting comments for its consultation on disclosure in public-private partnership projects. Deadline for inputs 29th February 2016.

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