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Ukraine's Other Chernobyls


For safety reasons, Europe must help the Ukrainian government retire, not revive, its nuclear reactors. (This commentary originally appeared on Project Syndicate.)

Discovering Ukraine's Nuclear Shadows

- UPDATING STORY - A Bankwatch fact-finding mission is currently in Ukraine to explore the state of nuclear energy in the country, particularly in light of intentions to extend the lifetime of 12 Soviet-era nuclear units.

Tax dodging, development and European public banks


A new report highlights how the weak taxation policy of the European Investment Bank is undermining its ability to serve public interest in Europe and the Global South at a time when the use of tax haven is exposed as one of the most important barriers to development.

Guest post: Ombla must be protected, not flooded!


The project promoter of the Ombla hydropower plant in Dubrovnik, Croatia is still stubbornly pushing the project forward. A presentation yesterday of a new nature impact assessment did not offer answers to a range of outstanding questions, including the project's economic feasibility, impacts on locals and more.

Unpaid coal bill: Romanian coal exports to Serbia marred by corruption


A dodgy deal to export coal from Romania to Serbia has left the Romanian state-owned coal supplier with a potential seven million euros write-off.

Local initiatives champion sustainability and resilience in central and eastern Europe


A new website with inspiring stories of local sustainable initiatives shows the very real change that small-scale projects can make for local communities.

Exhibition brings coal-affected communities in Colombia and Croatia a step closer together


A photo exhibition in Croatia is connecting the dots between communities in Colombia and the Istrian coast that are negatively affected by coal.

[Campaign update] 92 percent of public consultation respondents against Plomin C coal power plant


Almost all respondants to a consultation on the Plomin power plant do not want a new unit running on coal.

Western Balkans electricity plans: where will all that power go?


Western Balkan countries have ambitious plans to increase their electricity generation over the next years. But what will happen if they all become a regional energy hub? Will there be a demand for all the available electricity?

By the numbers: where will energy come from in the western Balkans?


Today we've published a new report analysing future energy trends in countries of the western Balkans.

From a robust dataset we researched together with the University of Groningen and the consultancy 'The Advisory House', we've pulled out a couple of illustrations.

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