ZE PAK IPO: investors not rushing in

Source: Jan Cienski, Financial Times

In the past, when Poland’s treasury ministry sold off big state controlled companies through the Warsaw Stock Exchange there was a frisson of excitement among investors – something that seems to be missing ahead of next week’s debut of power producer ZE PAK.

Notes for a better Europe

Source: , green.tv

Dinero bien gastado

Source: , La Informacion

Well Spent es una campaña de concienciación a nivel europeo que pretende dar a conocer dónde se emplean mejor los fondos de cohesión de la Unión Europea desde el punto de vista medio ambiental, país por país.

EU's Balkan Energy Strategy Queried

Source: Marian Chiriac, Balkan Insight

Western Balkan countries face a future that relies too much on coal and nuclear power, the Green watchdog Bankwatch says .

Как Украине выжить без мирного атома – обзор потенциала возобновляемой энергетики


Тщательное изучение Энергетической стратегии Украины раскрывает фундаментальные упущения в планах правительства по дальнейшей эксплуатации устаревших ядерных реакторов и его восприятии ядерной энергетики как единственно возможной альтернативы.

Notes for a Better Europe

Source: , Krytyka Polityczna

Europe needs targeted cohesion funding

Source: Miroslav Mojžiš, European Voice

On the eve of last Friday's ‘Friends of Cohesion Policy' meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia's prime minister, Robert Fico, set out in your newspaper (“The Cohesion policy is good for all”, 4-10 October) why the European Union's net beneficiary states want no cuts to the future multi-annual financial framework (MFF) 2014-20. Boosting jobs and growth was Fico's message, reinforced by the countries at the Bratislava meeting, but with very few concrete details and, of course, some obligatory nods to ‘better spending'.

EU’s energy strategy in the Balkans questioned by MEPs

Source: , Information Daily

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and local Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) worry that the European Commission is bypassing civil society and environmental rules in its Western Balkan strategy.

MEPs question EU's energy strategy in the Balkans

Source: Ana-Maria Tolbaru, EurActiv

MEPs and local NGOs worry that that the European Commission is bypassing civil society and environmental rules as it devises an energy strategy for the Western Balkan region.

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