После вступления Хорватии в ЕС неизвестно, помогут ли европейские миллиарды хорватам


Новый Закон Хорватии о стратегических инвестициях не сулит ничего хорошего для устойчивого использования фондов ЕС в стране, ставшей новым членом ЕС.

Banks' Balkan Energy Investments Undermine EU Targets

Source: , Balkan Insight

Heavy investment in fossil fuels by international financial institutions in Western Balkan countries is hindering their compliance with EU climate targets, a report says.

Energy investments in the Balkans damaging EU prospects – report

Source: Cillan Donnelly, New Europe

Continued investment by international public finance institutions in traditional energy projects are hindering the chances of countries in the western Balkans to comply with EU accession requirements, according to a new report.

New EIB policy against EU principles, say climate activists

Source: , New Europe

Environmentalists have reacted angrily to the European Investment Bank (EIB)’s draft energy lending policy, the result of a review process launched last year.

Accession states at risk of CO2 lock-in: study

Source: , ENDS Europe

International financial institutions must phase down their support of fossil fuel-based projects in EU candidate countries to help the states adapt more easily to the bloc's policies, climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard has warned.

Wwf, stop a investimenti ifi nei Balcani

Source: , ANSA

ROMA - I forti investimenti nei combustibili fossili da parte delle istituzioni finanziarie internazionali (Ifi) nei Balcani occidentali stanno ostacolando la conformità di questi paesi ai requisiti per l'adesione all'Ue. E' quanto si sostiene nel nuovo rapporto "Invest in Haste, Repent at Leisure" (Se investi frettolosamente, poi te ne penti) diffuso oggi da See Change Net, Cee Bankwatch Network e Wwf, che chiedono lo stop degli investimenti pubblici internazionali verso i combustibili fossili.

EIB outlines new energy lending criteria

Source: Dave Keating, European Voice

Controversy remains over whether the bank should fund coal plants.

Une filiale russe de Vinci poursuivie devant la justice

Source: Herve Kempf, Le Monde

Lundi 24 juin sera déposée devant le procureur du tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre une demande d'ouverture d'enquête préliminaire sur faits de corruption d'agent public étranger et de recel de trafic d'influence, à l'encontre de la société Vinci Concessions Russie, une filiale du groupe Vinci.

Transparency in Serbia

Source: Harriet Salem, The Guardian

In 1999, bombs rained down on Belgrade as Nato forces attempted to topple Slobodan Milosevic's regime. Amid the chaos of war, Natasa Djereg, a student at the University of Belgrade's faculty of forestry, founded the Centre for Ecology and Sustainable Development (Cekor) with her professors. "Those were terrible years," says Djereg, who is now the director of the NGO. "We wanted to start a project that looked to the future."

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