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Markus Trilling

Email: markus.trilling AT bankwatch.org

EU affairs office, Brussels
Mundo-B Building
Rue D'Edimbourg 26
1050 Bruxelles

Tel.: +32 (0) 2 893 1031
Fax: +32 (0) 2 893 1035

Languages: German, English, Bulgarian, French, Spanish, Czech (beginner)

Markus joined Bankwatch in May 2008 and became CEE Bankwatch Network/Friends of the Earth Europe 'EU Funds campaign coordinator' in 2010.

Before Bankwatch he worked several years at a Bulgarian Universities as lecturer and progamme coordinator and was subsequently engaged in the management of projects in various fields.

His academic studies of social- and economic sciences and European studies brought him from the Rhinelands to Bavaria, the North of Spain and now to Belgium.