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Бенквоч в прессе

Social Europe Journal | 14.01.2013

To help stop the planet warming to a disastrous extent Europe must increase the price of energy paid by energy consumers. A huge redirection of private and public investment is needed. And unless we are extremely successful in increasing the energy efficiency of our economy, we will almost certainly also need schemes to organise a socially acceptable reduction of average working time (see here).

EurActiv | 14.01.2013

The European Investment Bank has signed a €440-million loan guarantee with the Slovenian government for a crisis-plagued 600 megawatt lignite TEŠ 6 coal plant, but the deal could yet be sunk by concerns about the climate and corruption.

The Guardian | 17.12.2012

Last week, the bank said 4C of global warming 'simply must not be allowed to occur'. This month, it is considering whether to provide financing for a new coal-fired power plant in Mongolia

The Parliament Magazine | 26.11.2012

Senior British MEP Graham Watson has called for the creation of an EU special representative on climate security.

The Parliament Magazine | 26.11.2012

EU policymakers and NGOs have given a mixed reaction to the dramatic collapse of last week's summit of EU leaders and heads of state.

Business New Europe (BNE) | 26.11.2012

Croatia is one of the world's most energy-import dependent countries, yet there's an increasingly mixed outlook for the ambitious investment plans of Croatian power monopoly Hrvatska Elektroprivreda (HEP) following the recent turn of events at both home and abroad.

Nature Independent | 26.11.2012

The genetically modified food industry’s biggest player, Monsanto, is reportedly set to receive $40 million in U.S. dollars worth of financial support from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development according to the website bankwatch.org.

Reuters | 22.11.2012

EU leaders go into a budget battle on Thursday under pressure to avoid some glaring mistakes of the past: half-empty motorways, airports that barely see a flight and high-speed rail lines with few passengers to repay vast construction costs.

Guardian | 22.11.2012

As David Cameron flies in to do battle over the EU's seven-year €1tn budget deal, we attempt to separate myth from fact.