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Union européenne : incohérences environnementales des politiques de cohésion

Source: Agnes Sinai, Actu Environment

Le réseau Bankwatch a réalisé une évaluation de la prise en compte des objectifs environnementaux et climatiques dans les investissements soutenus par les fonds de cohésion. La Commission cherche à accentuer leur cohérence écologique.

Green jobs 'better for EU environment and budget'

Source: Elisabeth Pearl, New Europe

By funding environmental programmes, the European Union can create more jobs at a lower cost, according to a new WWF report by an alliance of environmental non-governmental organisations.

The report found that by giving money to green projects rather than the 2014-2020 budget, thousands of additional jobs can be created. While the EU spent nearly €1 trillion in its last budget, it did not conduct an analysis of job creation.

Sustainability rules over future EU regional funds

Source: Ana-Maria Tolbaru, EurActiv

The EU’s next budget is likely to include the first-ever binding document setting “stronger” and “clearer” objectives for regional funds to support sustainable development.

Poročilo CE Delft znižuje notranjo stopnjo donosa Teš 6

Source: , SIOL.NET/ STA

Neutemeljene predpostavke omogočajo večanje tveganj in če se ta uresničijo, lahko stopnja pade celo na 5,12 odstotka, je danes ob predstavitvi metodoloških napak investicijskega programa Teša 6 dejal Geert Warringa iz CE Delft.

Concentration of funds elicits many questions

Source: Isabelle Smets, Europolitics

The question of the concentration of EU aid on a limited number of priorities defined at Community level is undoubtedly emerging as one of the sensitive points of the negotiations on the future EU cohesion policy.

Планы строительства мусоросжигательных заводов в Чехии

Прага. Как стало известно участникам сети НПО «Бенквоч», Чешская Республика планирует направить 80% региональных фондов, предназначенных на реализацию крупных проектов по утилизации отходов в период 2007-2013 гг. [1], на строительство новых мусоросжигательных заводов, стоимость которых в три раза выше стоимости альтернативных решений по утилизации отходов.

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