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Policy comments | January 14, 2010

The comments propose a shift in the EBRD's investment in Macedonia towards more sustainable modes of transport and renewable and energy efficiency projects.

Official document | January 6, 2010

The complaint from Estonian Green Movement and the Estonian Fund for Nature points out that from an environmental perspective the documentation presented by Nord Stream are far from acceptable. Many experts have expressed an impression that some documents have intentionally diminished the actual level of environmental risks in a hope that these activities and documents are not subjected to any serious scientific scrutiny.

Official document | January 5, 2010

Bankwatch's complaint concerned the inadequate appraisal of environmental risks connected with the Turany - Hubova section of the D1 motorway in Slovakia, the damage so far and further potential impacts on the Natura 2000 sites and habitats of
Community importance.

Our complaint is available in pdf here

Advocacy letter | January 4, 2010

The EIB responded to our letter on January 27, 2010. Their response can be downloaded as pdf.

Advocacy letter | December 23, 2009

The European Investment Bank has responded to Bankwatch's report 'Change the lending, not the Climate' that was released in the lead-up to the ill-fated Copenhagen climate talks, and the bank has asked us for the sake of transparecy to publish their response, which we are doing here.

Advocacy letter | December 22, 2009

The letter addresses the Kyrgyz Republic's Supreme Court decision to uphold a 2-year conditional sentence on Ms Baktygul Imankozhoeva, a doctor in the village of Barskoon near the EBRD-financed Kumtor gold mine, for abuse of official position.

The charges appear to be fabricated as a response to Ms Imankozhoeva's advocacy on behalf of the victims of a 1998 cyanide spill from the mine, and form part of a continuing pattern of intimidation against her.

Advocacy letter | December 21, 2009

The letter accompanied an expert study on the expected impacts of the proposed D1 motorway section Turany-Hubov on animal species, biotopes and Natura 2000 sites. The study (in Slovak language) is available at the website of Bankwatch member group Friends of the Earth-CEPA.

Advocacy letter | December 21, 2009

The letter accompanied an expert study on the expected impacts of the proposed D1 motorway section Turany-Hubov on animal species, biotopes and Natura 2000 sites. The study (in Slovak language) is available at the website of Bankwatch member group Friends of the Earth-CEPA.

Advocacy letter | December 10, 2009

The letter outlines the situation found during the latest fact finding mission and provides visual proof of the lack of re-cultivation on site.