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Advocacy letter | September 2, 2009

On Monday, August 31st, the community living in the slum under the Gazela bridge was physically resettled. The City of Belgrade claims that a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) was approved, but the resettled PAPs have not seen the RAP and have not been consulted.

Bankwatch and CEKOR are asking the EBRD to provide information on the resettlement process and the EBRD's opinion on further developments.

On September 8, 2009 we received EBRD's response regarding involuntary Gazela resettlement. Download it as pdf here.

Advocacy letter | September 2, 2009

On Monday, August 31st, the community living in the slum under the Gazela bridge was physically resettled. The City of Belgrade claims that a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) was approved, but the resettled PAPs have not seen the RAP and have not been consulted.

Bankwatch and CEKOR are asking the EIB to provide information on the resettlement process and to not disburse the loan for the Gazela Bridge rehabilitation project until it is assured that a sustainable and adequate solution for those resettled is found.

Policy comments | September 1, 2009

These comments on the EBRDs new draft property sector strategy are primarily concerned with the environmental and social impact of the banks investments in the sector. Bankwatch and Green Istria would like to see the investments being targeted at projects that will clearly leave ordinary people and the environment better off, particularly in the current crisis context, and where the EBRD adds clear value compared to private sector investors.

Advocacy letter | August 28, 2009

The European Regions Airline Association (ERA) has approached the European Commission with a request for the EIB to make available financing for airlines in the context of the current crisis.

In their letter, CEE Bankwatch Network, together with WWF-UK, AirportWatch and European Federation for Transport and Environment urge the European Commission to refuse such a bail-out for the aviation industry with its high-carbon intensity and overcapacity.

Official document | August 21, 2009

The complaint regards the refusal of the European Investment Bank (EIB) to disclose the Framework Agreement concluded between the EIB and Tajikistan signed on 11 February 2009.

Briefing | August 10, 2009

As construction plans for several other controversial sections of the motorway proceed at high speed, another Natura 2000 site - the Knyszyn Forest - finds itself in danger and with it the habitats of at least 15 bird species and mammals like wolf, lynx and the European bison.

CEE Bankwatch Network and the Polish Society for the Protection of the Birds (OTOP/BirdLife Poland) urge the European Commission to call on Poland to halt these road works until appropriate European environmental legislation is respected.

Advocacy letter | August 7, 2009

Following ambivalent messages from the EBRD leadership, CEE Bankwatch Network and Crude Accountability request clarification on the bank's intentions regarding the controversial Nabucco gas pipeline project.

On August 25, 2009 we received a response from President Thomas Mirow. Download it here.

Policy comments | July 30, 2009

The document offers suggestions for revisions of the EIB's Transparency & Public Disclosure Policies, including both general and detailed comments on both policies, among others on intermediated loans, publications vs. disclosure, corporate governance, stakeholders engagement and the policy framework.

Advocacy letter | July 30, 2009

Relating to the IFC's review of its Policy on Disclosure of Information, and its Policy and Performance Standards on Social and Environmental Sustainability Policy, this letter is signed by a coalition of more than one hundred development, environment, human rights, professional, faith-based, gender, youth and economic justice organizations.

Policy comments | July 30, 2009

The document offers suggestions for revisions of the EIB's Complaint Mechanism Policy, covering the scope of the mechanism, complaint procedures, stakeholders' engagement, publication and reporting and data protection, as well as the conceptual framework and objective of the mechanism.

Policy comments | July 24, 2009

Critical comments by Green Alternative, Georgia on the World Bank Approach Paper and Consultation Plan 'Toward Greater Transparency: Rethinking the World Banks Disclosure Policy'.

Advocacy letter | July 23, 2009

EU financing of the motorway corridor through Kresna Gorge, the most controversial and difficult section of the Struma motorway, has been shifted to the next financial period 2014-2020. While an agreement between NGOs and the Bulgarian government states that the route will be implemented via tunnel(s) in order to preserve the area's great biodiversity, environmentalists now fear that once other parts of the motorway are completed, the tunnel route might be scrapped by the Bulgarian authorities.

Briefing | July 23, 2009

The energy policy of the Georgian government supported by a number of IFIs, aims at utilising the hydroenergy potential in the country in order to overcome the existing energy crisis. But effectively, this policy has the potential to cause significant negative impact on the environment, to drastically change the social and demographic situation in Georgia's mountain areas and to devastate the existing cultural heritage.

Advocacy letter | July 23, 2009

We have received the following responses:

  • On July 29, 2009 from EBRD (pdf here).
  • On August 4, 2009 from EIB (pdf here).
  • On August 27, 2009 from World Bank (pdf here).