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Advocacy letter | February 16, 2010

The letter accompanied a specialist opinion on the impacts of the D1 TuranyHubov section, detailing that the construction represents a serious impact on the Natura 2000 network and the existing alternative solutions that could considerably reduce this impact. The specialist opinion can be downloaded here (pdf).

Policy comments | February 15, 2010

These comments by Slovenian NGO Focus - Association for Sustainable Development outlines concerns regarding the Sostanj project’s financial picture and its compliance with the climate and energy objectives of Slovenia. They also express serious doubts about the actual necessity of the project.

Policy comments | February 11, 2010

During a recent CEKOR fact finding mission 3 settlements were visited - Makis in Cukarica municipality, Kijevo in Rakovica municipality, and Varos in Mladenovac municipality. The report summarises the still problematic situation in the new settlements and offers specific recommendations related to leaking and sinking containers, electricity, health care and ID documents, employment and more.

Briefing | February 2, 2010

On 23-25 February 2010 Bankwatchs Balkan and EBRD Co-ordinators together with colleagues from the Banja Luka-based Center for Environment and Sarajevo-based Ekotim undertook a third visit regarding the Corridor Vc motorway in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Policy comments | January 26, 2010

Bankwatch is concerned that public-private partnerships in infrastructure are being heavily promoted in central and eastern Europe (CEE) even though the evidence from the use of such models so far, both in the region and in western Europe is mixed or sometimes absent.

Advocacy letter | January 26, 2010

Bankwatch's policy comments on public-private partnerships are available here.

Advocacy letter | January 19, 2010

The letter, signed by 41 civil society organisations from Russia, requests the European Investment Bank not to approve funding for the Moscow-St.Petersburg motorway project unless the route is changed to avoid the Khimki Forest near Moscow.

Briefing | January 18, 2010

Even before the current economic crisis there were clear signs that the transition to a market economy in central and eastern Europe, which the EBRD is mandated to promote, is coming with a high social price tag attached. The EBRD's own survey on transition in 2007 - at the height of the boom times - included the alarming finding from 29,000 respondents across the region that trust in society had plummeted since 1989.