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EU neighbourhood

New arrests link corruption with land expropriation at Serbian Kolubara mine


Land expropriation and corruption have been two recurring themes at the Kolubara mine. This week's arrests indicate that they are closely connected.

Of horses and roads - protests in Ukraine highlight lack of safety


Demonstrations in Kiev have shown that road safety is not only for cars but also pedestrians and other traffic participants - a lesson that the Ukrainian road company still needs to learn and that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development should be teaching more actively.

EBRD gives up Kolubara B lignite power plant project in Serbia

Subotica, Serbia -- The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) confirmed Friday September 6 that it is no longer interested in financing the 750 MW Kolubara B lignite power plant project near Belgrade in Serbia. The project is proposed by Serbian electricity company Elektroprivreda Srbija, with Italy's Edison as a strategic partner.

Energy consultations reveal lack of strategic thinking at the EBRD


With another public action, colleagues in Moscow are today bringing to a close a week that has seen the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development having to listen to a lot of uncomfortable truths.

Nordic countries 'no' to coal is a glimmer of hope for EBRD energy lending


The global campaign to make the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development restrict its coal lending may have found new allies in Nordic countries after their declaration yesterday to seize overseas coal investments.

Thousands remind the EBRD that coal is not an option


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development received a little surprise visit this week from 16 000 voices against coal.

Tell the EBRD to divest from fossil fuels!

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The EIB finally limits coal lending


For the last couple of years, we have been calling on the European Investment Bank to drop coal lending. Finally, we’re starting to see some results.

[Campaign update] EBRD not digging for truth at the Kolubara mine, Serbia


By putting too much trust in its client EPS, the EBRD failed to notice that an important grievance mechanism for villagers near the mine was not in place - for two years. [*]

Comments on the EBRD's draft country strategy for Georgia

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