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Tell the EBRD to divest from fossil fuels!

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During the EBRD's public consultations on its energy sector strategy, we delivered almost 17 000 signatures urging the EBRD to become coal free.

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The World Bank decided to strictly limit its coal lending and the European Investment Bank followed suit. Now we need your help to get also the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to do the same!

The EBRD’s draft energy strategy is a far cry from what the other institutions’ have shown is possible. It still includes plenty of support for projects like coal plants and fracked gas - despite lots of talk about a "low-carbon economy". That’s why 350.org have teamed up with us to show the EBRD’s directors that the whole world is watching them now.

Click here to sign the petition demanding that EBRD stop funding dirty fossil fuels.

The climate is changing before our eyes. If we want to keep climate change below 2° C -- and have a chance at avoiding catastrophic feedback cycles and a planet potentially incompatible with human civilization -- then we must keep 80% of known fossil fuel reserves under ground.

Yet if institutions like the EBRD keep funding new dirty energy plants, countries are set to be locked into decades of emissions. With the EBRD’s energy policy revision, we can take another crucial step now to stop that from happening.

Will you take the first step and help us end EBRD’s support for fossil fuels?

Our public funds should be invested in a livable future, not an industry bent on ensuring our planet’s destruction.


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