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EU neighbourhood

Bankwatch input to the consultation on the Energy Community Treaty

Letter to EBRD: Complaint filed with IFC on Danosha pig farms in Ukraine

Local communities in the Ivano-Frankvisk region in Ukraine have filed a complaint with the IFC's complaint mechanism regarding the conduct of agribusiness corporation Danosha. This letter summarises the complaint's content and asks the EBRD to follow the complaint process and derive lessons for its own support of industrial farming projects in Ukraine.

European Parliament criticises Serbia's lack of progress on renewables


Facing criticism by the European Parliament of its progress on climate friendly energy sources, the Serbian government tells Bankwatch's member group that the future of the country's energy system is none of their business.

Letter to EBRD re potential funding of coal power projects in Egypt

Guest post: A Balkan lesson for coal investors


When Dr. Kim, President of the World Bank, and leaders of other international financial institutions ponder funding new coal power projects this year - like the one in Kosovo - there's one word that should be seared into their memories: Sostanj.

Civil society letter: EBRD's political mandate and value added in Egypt doubtful

With this letter 14 organisations from the MENA region and Europe bemoan the lack of clear purpose and effectiveness of the EBRD's democratic principles that are being undermined by the bank's moves towards making Egypt a full country of operations despite having significant concerns about the state’s conformity with these principles.

Leaked document: Doubling of electricity tariffs in Ukraine, condition for EBRD nuclear safety loan

The project through which the life time of old Ukrainian nuclear reactors is being prolonged with EBRD financing would not be economically feasible without a doubling of electricity tariffs, shows a document leaked to EurActiv last week.

EBRD set to backtrack on environmental and social safeguards

A draft released yesterday of the Environmental and Social Policy of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development shows that, instead of strengthening the policy to provide for better implementation, the bank opens several loopholes which ensure that approval of financing is achievable for problematic projects.

Bosnia and Herzegovina breaches Energy Community Treaty commitments, says official NGO complaint

Banja Luka – Bosnia and Herzegovina is failing on its Energy Community obligations by allowing Stanari lignite plant to pollute 2-3 times more than EU standards, shows an official complaint submitted today by NGOs Center for Environment from Banja Luka and ClientEarth to the Vienna-based Energy Community Treaty secretariat.

Complaint against Bosnia and Herzegovina for failing to comply with Energy Community Law

By allowing the Stanari lignite plant to pollute 2-3 times more than EU standards, Bosnia and Herzegovina is failing on its Energy Community obligations. This official complaint was submitted by NGO Center for Environment from Banja Luka to the Vienna-based Energy Community Treaty secretariat.

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