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'Fools and liars' - major new report slams mega-dams, as tensions rise over Georgia's Khudoni project

A new report published on March 10 by a team of researchers from the University of Oxford, based on the largest ever study of large hydroelectric dams (245 in 65 countries) has found that in most cases large dams are economically not viable and few, if any, will realise their planned benefits. The study assessed the costs, construction time, and benefits of all large dams built around the world since 1934, and further concluded that the severe cost and construction delays that so often dog large dams (defined in this research as those that exceed 15 metres in height) mean they can be seriously damaging to the economies that attach so much hope to them.

Bankwatch Mail 58

Issue 58 of Bankwatch Mail, published as stakeholders meet in the European Parliament to discuss the future of the 'Energy Community'. Comprising the countries of the western Balkans, Moldova and Ukraine, the Energy Community aims primarily to extend EU internal energy policy to south east Europe and the Black Sea region. Its modus operandi and achievements are now being evaluated at high level, which - as this issue shows - is undoubtedly necessary given the stunning number of highly questionable coal and lignite fired power plants that are proceeding in various Energy Community members.

Where's Plan B for Kosovo's energy sector?


When it comes to Kosovo's energy future, institution after institution has been putting most of its eggs in a 'new lignite' basket while some very reasonable alternative investment options seem to fall by the wayside.

Assessment of opportunities for pre-accession assistance IPA 2 in Macedonia

92 organisations prepared and submitted this joint statement on the opportunities for financing in Macedonia from the EU pre-accession instrument. The assessment was done for all sectors included in the Country Strategy Paper for Macedonia.

Georgian Ministry of Energy orders use of force against local protesters who fear landslides from hydro construction


Last weekend, the Georgian Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources again left no doubt about where its main interests lie: enforcing the massive exploitation of Georgia’s hydropower potential despite and against people’s concerns and if necessary by use of force.

Guest post: Dr. Kim's World Bank legacy hinges on Kosovo climate test


Environmentalists and public finance watchdogs are taking to twitter today to urge World Bank president Dr. Jim Yong Kim to head his own rhetoric and reject the Kosovo coal power plant.

Distress signal

Source: Editorial, Kiyv Post

Ukraine’s new leaders deserve praise for some of the moves they have made since coming to power after Viktor Yanukovych abandoned the presidency on Feb. 22. But they will need lots of outside help in managing the multiple political, economic and military crises confronting Ukraine.

European Development Bank: Backward Step on Rights - Draft Policy Would Weaken Protection

(London) – The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) new draft Environment and Social Policy would fail to weed out abusive development projects, seven human rights and bank watchdog organizations said today in a joint statement. The bank’s consultation on the draft policy closes on March 5, 2014. It then has an opportunity to revise the policy before sending it to the bank’s board for approval in the coming months.

Lessons from Kolubara for the EBRD Environmental and Social Policy

The EBRD loan for the Kolubara lignite mine project in Serbia was approved when the forced removal of the local graveyard of the Vreoci community was already initiated and in spite of protests and appeals to the EBRD and in spite of on-going corruption investigations of the company. This case offers important lessons learned for the Environmental and Social Policy of the EBRD with regards to human rights.

Promoters of mega-dam in Georgia use front group and PR campaign and discredit local community


Georgian public opinion backs the village of Kaishi in the Georgian mountains that defiantly defends its land and tradition against the planned Khudoni dam. The project promoters have now embarked on an all-out promotion campaign including a fake non-governmental organisation.

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