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EU neighbourhood

Infographic: If energy security is the question ... the Euro-Caspian Mega Pipeline is not the answer

Europe talks of diversifying energy supplies from Russia by building a set of pipelines from the shores of Azerbaijan's Caspian Sea to Italy. But the EU's dependency on Azerbaijan for fossil energy fuels repression and feeds the authoritarian Aliyev regime. All the while, Europe does not need all that gas.

Khudoni hydropower plant, Georgia


While a mountain community will have to be forced to resettle for this mega-project, the opaque ownership and weak taxation mean that benefits for Georgia are highly doubtful.

Discovering Ukraine's Nuclear Shadows

- UPDATING STORY - A Bankwatch fact-finding mission is currently in Ukraine to explore the state of nuclear energy in the country, particularly in light of intentions to extend the lifetime of 12 Soviet-era nuclear units.

Analysis of Ukraine's draft national emissions reduction plan

The assessment below covers the hard coal fired Large Combustion Plants exceeding 300MWth included in the draft national emissions reduction plan submitted by Ukraine at the 36th Permanent High Level Group meeting of the Energy Community in Vienna.

Jailing of prominent human rights activists in Azerbaijan casts a shadow over Europe's planned gas deals with the Aliyev regime

London, Prague -- Azerbaijan's authoritarian regime has been intensifying its crackdown on civil society with the recent jailing of two leading human rights defenders. The Aliyev regime has gained much of its political and financial clout by siphoning off proceedings from the country's vast oil and gas reserves. These are the same reserves that the EU is now planning to make its next big source of gas, and the same government that the EU still considers a legitimate partner.

Letter to European Commission: Request for information on EIB's involvement in the Transadriatic Pipeline (TAP)

Given the size of the Southern Gas Corridor project it is important that its effects on the environment and especially nearby Natura 2000 sites are duely accessed and that the necessary time to conduct public consultation both in the EU-28 countries and outside of the EU-28 as indicated to the Commission during various meetings related to the second list of PCIs preparation.

Letter: EBRD and EURATOM support for life-time extension of Ukraine's nuclear reactors is in breach of international law

In this letter 46 non-governmental organisations alarm European Union representatives involved in the decision-making at the EBRD and Euratom to the fact that Ukraine is pressing ahead with its plans to extend the life-time of its old nuclear reactors even though they are in breach of international law (Espoo Convention) and without proper impact assessments and despite UKraine's obligations under the loans provided by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Euratom.

Western Balkans electricity plans: where will all that power go?


Western Balkan countries have ambitious plans to increase their electricity generation over the next years. But what will happen if they all become a regional energy hub? Will there be a demand for all the available electricity?

Studija: Zapadni Balkan će imati priličan višak električne energije

Source: SEEbiz, SEEbiz

LONDON - Ambicije zemalja zapadnog Balkana u izvozu električne energije mogu se pokazati kao vrlo rizične, pokazuje novo istraživanje koje su, za potrebe organizacije CEE Bankwatch, proveli Sveučilište u Groningenu i konzultantska kuća Advisory House.
Autori studije pišu da zemlje imaju ambicije da postanu izvoznici energije, ali upozoravaju da bi lokalne vlade morale uzeti u obzir razvoj događaja u susjednim zemljama koji bi novoplanirane energetske objekte učinile ekonomski neodrživim, kaže se u analizi koja je u posjedu redakcije SEEbiza.

Balkan electricity export aspirations - collection of media reports

Source: , various sources

A growing apetite for new power plants, mainly coal-fired, in the western Balkans could end up with many of them becoming `white elephants, a study released by CEE Bankwatch Network on March 19 warns. Media across the region reported on the findings:

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