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EU neighbourhood

Letter to European Commission (DG ECFIN): Ukraine does not meet obligations under international law

The European Commission stated in an earlier letter that any decision by Ukraine to extend the life-span of any of its nuclear power plants will require assessment under the Aarhus and Espoo Conventions. In this letter, Bankwatch offers evidence for how Ukraine is indeed extending the lifetimes of its nuclear reactors but not meeting its obligations under the conventions.

European funding for a Lukoil gas project in Azerbaijan tramples the EU's commitment to both climate action and human rights

A USD 500 million loan for the share of Russian gas giant Lukoil in a major gas project in Azerbaijan has been approved yesterday by the Board of Directors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Yet, the decision will significantly hinder Europe's commitments to decarbonise as well as to advance democracy.

Letter by Members of the European Parliament to the EBRD and Euratom regarding the Nuclear Power Plant Safety Upgrade Programme

The request is made in the context of Ukraine's obligations under the Espoo convention, such that the EBRD and EuroAtom should "take steps for suspending the loan proceedings until a full trans-boundary EIA process for nuclear units lifetime extension is launched and carried out in accordance with international treaties to which Ukraine is a party."

MEPs challenge EU financial support for Ukraine's Soviet-era nuclear fleet

Twenty-five Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have signed a letter today urging the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Euratom to suspend their financial support for Ukraine's ageing nuclear reactors until the potential environmental impacts of their prolonged operation in Ukraine and on neighbouring countries are fully assessed.

The letter is available on the Bankwatch website.

Preliminary comments on the Nenskra Environmental Impact Assessment and its consultation process

Following an on-site visit in the Upper Svaneti region in Georgia, these comments find substantial weaknesses in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Nenskra hydropower plant, in particular with regards to the engagement and consultation of local communities.

See also the comments on the final Nenskra EIA report.

Āris Ādlers, attīstības projektu eksperts Ukrainā, Gruzijā un Moldovā

Source: Momentuzņēmums, Latvijas Televīzija

TV story on the May 2015 agribusiness fact-finding mission to Ukraine (in Latvian).

Azeri regime stifles criticism ahead of European Games. European lender must finally take measures.


UPDATE 1 12h CET 12 June 2015

Platform have taken to the streets of London to protest the opening of the European Games. See a video of the action below, and read more in their book published Friday, All that glitters, which explores how the European Games belong to the Aliyev regime and the British oil company BP and how sport is being co-opted in the service of a dynasty and fossil fuels.


Possible coal and energy State aid cases in Energy Community countries based on publicly accessible information

By signing the Energy Community Treaty in 2005, countries in the Western Balkans, Ukraine and Moldova agreed to abide by the European Union's competition rules. But a number of energy sector investments are being planned that may not so far have taken adequate account of state aid rules. This briefing includes case studies of projects from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine.

See related materials including a more detail briefing, a press release and a slideshow at:

Italian mayor stands up against EU priority gas pipeline


Local opposition against the Trans-Adriatic gas pipeline (TAP) is growing as an Italian mayor made clear in an open letter to the European Commission and European public banks.

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