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EU neighbourhood

EBRD policy breaches at Serbia coal mine confirmed by bank's own complaint mechanism

Prague, Belgrade - A day after the Board of Directors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) approved a new EUR 200 million loan for Serbia's electric utility Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS), an internal review at the Bank finds that it breached its own environmental and social policy when approving the previous EUR 80 million loan to the same company.

[Campaign update] MEP Rebecca Harms criticises Ukrainian nuclear operator for its lawsuit against activists


Nuclear safety activists in Ukraine who face defamation charges by the state nuclear operator Energoatom received support from Rebecca Harms, a member of the European Parliament, recently.

Joint reaction on the Energy Community's Roadmap from CEE Bankwatch Network and Climate Action Network Europe

On Friday 16th October the Ministerial Council meeting in Tirana adopted a Roadmap on the future of the Energy Community.

Ucraina "ar putea încălca tratate nucleare europene"

Source: Bogdan Isopescu, Radio România Actualitaţi

Asociaţia Bankwatch Romania şi guvernul ţării noastre atrag atenţia că Ucraina desfăşoară programe nucleare asupra cărora planează suspiciunea că încalcă tratatele internaţionale.

Comments on Environmental Impact Assessment for Nenskra hydropower plant in Georgia

These comments on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for the Nenskra hydropower plant in Georgia concludes that the quality of the submitted report is extremely poor. The report as well as the public hearings organised during its preparation do not comply with Georgian legislation or with the requirements of International Financial Institutions.

Southeast Europe must close the gap on energy efficiency, says new report

Brussels, Belgium / Podgorica, Montenegro - Countries of Southeast Europe (SEE) waste much more energy than the members of the European Union, according to a new report Energy Efficiency – Just Do It! published today by a group of civil society organizations from across the region.

Energy Efficiency - Just Do It! Act now for warmer homes, local jobs and cleaner air!

This report explains the importance of the EU's Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and argues why it must have the strongest objectives and targets as possible for SEE countries.

When environmental improvement becomes resettlement - lessons from Serbia's Kolubara mine


European financial institutions and Serbian authorities have failed to address the human impacts of resettlement in Serbia's lignite mining fields, a new study shows.

A clear and present danger - How financial institutions and authorities have failed to address the human impacts of resettlement in Serbia's lignite mining fields

This study shows how the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has failed to enforce several of its basic principles on involuntary resettlement in the Kolubara Mining Basin, one of the largest sources of lignite in Europe, where mining has continued for over fifty years.

Environmental organizations raise stink over MHP’s poultry farm

Source: Denys Krasnikov, Kyiv Post

There’s an ill wind blowing in Vinnytsa Oblast, and if one of Ukraine’s biggest agriculture companies keeps growing, things could get worse for the people living nearby, environmental, corporate and bank watchdog organizations from the European Union and Ukraine say.

MyronivskyHliboproduct (MHP), which runs the biggest poultry farm in Europe near the village of Ladyzhyn southeast of Vinnytsa, was the subject of two reports released this September after a fact-finding mission of six environmental watchdogs visited the area in May.

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