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Letter by Members of the European Parliament to the EBRD and Euratom regarding the Nuclear Power Plant Safety Upgrade Programme

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Scan of the original letter with signatures (pdf)

The request is made in the context of Ukraine's obligations under the Espoo convention, such that the EBRD and EuroAtom should "take steps for suspending the loan proceedings until a full trans-boundary EIA process for nuclear units lifetime extension is launched and carried out in accordance with international treaties to which Ukraine is a party."

Jyrki Katainen, European Commission Vice-president for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness and governor of the EBRD, responded on September 10, 2015. In his response (pdf) he states

"The Commission is of the opinion that any decision by Ukraine to extend the life-span of any of its nuclear power plants will require assessments under the [Espoo and Aarhus] conventions [...]"
