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Fracking: What every Tunisian should know

The first instance of shale gas extraction with hydraulic fracturing in Tunisia took place in March 2010 and since then Tunisia actively supports this method. Former prime minister Mehdi Jomaa (who once worked for a subsidiary of oil company Total) said in September 2014 that his government is determined to explore shale gas and that critics will not stop Tunisia pursuing its extraction.

Pipe dreams - why public subsidies for Lukoil in Azerbaijan will not reduce EU dependency on Russia

The study explains why the Southern Gas Corridor, the EU’s new pet energy project, is not only unnecessary in light of gas demand projections, but also seems likely to fall short on the much flaunted goal of bringing energy independence from Russia.

Pipe Dreams: Why the Southern Gas Corridor will not reduce EU dependency on Russia

Brussels – The Southern Gas Corridor, the EU’s new pet energy project, is not only unnecessary in light of gas demand projections, but also seems likely to fall short on the much flaunted goal of bringing energy independence from Russia, according to a new NGO study “Pipe Dreams” published today.

[Campaign update] Kostolac B3 lignite plant loan agreement bypasses public debate and contains unacceptable conditions


The Serbian parliament will on Monday vote on the ratification of a USD 608 million loan agreement from the China ExIm Bank for the construction of the 350 MW Kostolac B3 lignite power plant by Chinese company CMEC.

Serbia's latest addition to its huge debt burden is being presented as a great success, but a new lignite plant is more likely to end up as a weight around our necks as we move towards the EU and apply EU climate policies.

Poland's uncertain coal friends in the Balkans

Source: Ioana Ciuta, Political Critique

It is not easy to find anywhere in Europe as much determination as in Poland for building new coal. The only place to find a similar coal enthusiasm is at the door step of Europe, in the Balkans, looking set to be fuelled by Chinese money. But even there the future of coal is shaky.

Ohrid Lake facing damage by EBRD financed infrastructure projects

Concerns mount about increasing threats to Macedonia's protected areas and the Lake Ohrid UNESCO site by EBRD investments in fast-tracked infrastructure projects.

[Campaign update] Ekotim files lawsuit on poor quality environmental permit for Banovici thermal power plant


Bosnia and Herzegovina NGO Ekotim has filed a lawsuit against the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism in relation to an addendum to the environmental permit for the planned 300 MW Banovici lignite power plant near Tuzla.

All we want for Christmas is to be able to breathe ...


As you're gearing up for the festive season, spare a thought for the long-suffering folks in Pljevlja, Montenegro, and Zenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina, who are fighting against serious pollution of air soil, and water.

Proposed Lukoil EBRD loan - for whose benefit?

Despite the Russian invasion in Ukraine leading to EU and US sanctions against Moscow and major Russian energy companies, public banks supported by EU countries are gearing up to offer almost a billion dollars in financial support to Russian company Lukoil for gas extraction in Azerbaijan.

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