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EU neighbourhood

EBRD in Serbia: Don't use floods to prop up coal

The EBRD should stick to its newly approved Energy Strategy and reject any investments in the Serbian coal sector, argue a group of 7 international NGOs in a letter sent to the bank’s board of directors today. The groups were concerned with recent statements by the EBRD according to which the bank’s regional flood response in the Balkans could include “rehabilitation of (…) damaged power stations and transmission and distribution networks.”

Letter: EBRD flood response in Serbia should diversify away from lignite

This letter, co-signed by Serbian, regional and international NGOs and sent to the Board of Directors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ask whether in the aftermath of the recent floods in the western Balkans, the EBRD's response will prop up Serbia's coal sector or whether it will ensure that its post-flood assistance is used for much needed residential energy efficiency improvements and sustainable renewable energy.

Big dams, big damage, and little benefit: Georgia’s hydropower plans

Source: , Green by Blue

Are Georgia’s hydropower plans really the road to prosperity?

Serbian government props up almighty coal


A new report by the Belgrade-based NGO CRTA shows that the Serbian government is supporting the Kostolac coal power plant and mines with loan guarantees and potentially VAT exemptions. Propping up the already dominant coal sector, however, will likely further increase Serbia’s vulnerability to extreme weather events. Increasing Serbia's energy efficiency and renewables generation would be the wiser choice.

State support to the Kostolac coal power plant and mining basin in Serbia

This report by the Belgrade-based Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability - CRTA shows that the Serbian government is supporting the Kostolac coal power plant and mines with loan guarantees and potentially VAT exemptions.

Massive EU gas investment a mistake

Source: , EU Observer

Friday's (27 June) gathering of EU ministers is the second time this month to discuss, among other things, Europe’s supply of natural gas.

Winners and losers - Who benefits from high-level corruption in the South East Europe energy sector

Energy is one of the biggest economic sectors in south-eastern Europe and is set to grow even further with the region moving closer to the EU. The region has high potential for energy efficiency and sustainable renewable energy investments. Yet, as this study illustrates with a number of examples, countries have shown little ability to absorb investments at a large scale without systemic corruption and patronage.

See also an interactive map with summaries for each case at http://bankwatch.org/SEE-energy-corruption

Azeri gas not such a good idea for EU, say NGOs

Source: Marie-Martine Buckens, europolitics

The EU’s plans to import gas via gas pipelines or liquefied natural gas (LNG) are not only contrary to its long-term climate objectives but also unjustified in the context of the European Commission's predictions in terms of energy demand.

Expert proposals for Energy Community improvements are a promising step forward


South and eastern European member countries of the Energy Community may soon have to be much more ambitious about environmental standards in the energy sector. This is because the Energy Community, the body that aims to create a common energy market between the EU and some of its neighbours, may be about to introduce more of the EU environmental acquis into its Treaty.

Big plans for a small country - Montenegro's draft energy strategy


Montenegro's new draft energy strategy needs cutting down to size if environmental and economic damage is to be avoided.

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